Table of Contents | ||
Configuration and External Data Validation
Validation | Description |
Purpose | For each of the blocks described below, the configuration and external data should be validated for accuracy, integrity and support for the business processes. The links below should be used to assist with validation for each block. The external data is displayed throughout SSP as described in the User Interface Validation. The documentation describes the location of external data in the UI. The external data also is the basis for user information and supports various tools. To ensure the supports the application, the validation queries will identify common problems with the data load in the external tables. |
User Interface Validation | Documentation of display locations for external data in the user interface |
Data and Configuration Validation | Common validation queries to test the accuracy of the configuration and integrity between external tables |
Block 8 - Map Phase 1
External DB Tables
SSP Configuration Guide
- MAP message templates
- MAP Settings
- MAP Plan Status Calculation
Block 9 - Map Phase 2
External DB Tables
- external_course_term
- external_course_program
- external_course_tag
- external_course_requisite
- external_substitutable_courses
- external_person_planning_status (optional)
SSP Configuration Guide
external_course |
Description | |
Purpose | Holds course details generally found in a course catalog/bulletin. Used in the MAP Tool |
Considerations |
external_division | Description |
Purpose | Defines the list of divisions that can be added to the plan template definition. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
external_department | Description |
Purpose | Defines the list of departments that can be added to the plan template definition. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
external_program | Description |
Purpose | Defines the list of programs that can be added to the plan template definition. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
SSP Configuration Guide
MAP Settings | MAP Message Templates |
Section 11 | Section 8 with Template Definitions and Examples |
Block 9 - Map Phase 2
External DB Tables
external_course_term | Description |
Purpose | Defines the terms in which the designated course is offered. Each course with the associated term to include is listed separately. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
external_course_program | Description |
Purpose | Description: Defines the courses required by degree programs. Each course with the associated program is listed separately. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
external_course_tag | Description |
Purpose | Defines the tag codes assigned to courses. Each course with the associated tag is listed separately. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
external_course_requisite | Description |
Purpose | Defines the list of programs that can be added to the plan template definition. Used in the MAP Tool. |
Considerations |
external_substitutable_courses | Description |
Purpose | Description: Defines the relationship of courses that may be used during the MAP plan status calculation. An option in the calculation allows for a planned course to be substituted by another course when the matching logic identifies courses. When matched to the subtitution (target course), the planned course will be considered a match. Each row will define a single pair of courses, and multiple rows can be inserted to define additional substitutions for a plan course. Used in the MAP Tool |
Considerations |
external_person_planning_status (optional) | Description |
Purpose | Defines the status of the student's active plan. Valid values are On and Off. This indicates whether or not the student is on plan to complete the active plan. The requirements and calculation of plan status is done outside of SSP and simply stored in this table. If the student planning status is Off, a reason can be stored in the table. Used in the MAP Tool when SSP is not calculating the plan status. |
Considerations |
SSP Configuration Guide
MAP Settings | |
Section 11 | MAP Plan Status Calculation
Block 10 - Notes and Accommodation
external_person_note | Description |
Purpose | Notes from any system can be save in the table for display in SSP. Notes can originate from any system and will be displayed to the user in chronological order. Used in the External Notes Tool |
Considerations | By default, Notes are only available to Coach roles. Implementers commonly add permissions to the Support Staff and Faculty roles No security is applied to the rows. If a user has access, all rows loaded into the table are visible are visible |
SSP Configuration Guide
Accommodation Settings |
Section 9 |