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End-user Requirements

Requirements in support of the end users of the portal (in an academic environment, students, faculty, staff, etc.)


User Customization & Personalization

  • pushed content - content groups automatically displayed to users
  • select content groups to be available to users for subscription based on user groups or attributes ("pulled content")
  • distributed content group management (e.g. allow a selected user to modify/maintain 1 fragment)
  • allow "locked down" content - content that cannot be moved/removed by users
  • allow users to customize the content displayed
  • allow users to personalize displayed content (categories, #items, stored settings)
  • display channels by category
  • optionally allow only certain categories of channels to be available on a fragment

User Experience

  • customizable user layout/preferences
  • selectable skins/look & feel
  • easy way to discover/add content
  • standard, semantic markup
  • cross-browser/device rendering support
  • graceful degradation for various client levels (e.g. no JS, CSS, text only)
  • easy way to see what channels are new (e.g. channels that have been added since your last visit)
  • ability to search channels (e.g., by name, keyword, date added)
  • ability to deep link to a channel (i.e., specify a static URL that logs the person on, if necessary, and then takes them directly to that channel)

Friend Access

  • ability to grant access to others (e.g., parents)
  • ability to specify which channels other designated indivuals may see

Infrastructure to support:

Administrator Requirements

Requirements in support of people who configure portal content and policies. Channel publishers, layout owners, etc.


  • Multiple Admin Access Methods
  • Modify
    • users (GUI, config file)
    • groups (GUI, config file)
    • permissions (GUI, config file)
  • Publish channels (GUI, config file)
  • Error Reporting
    • logging
    • notification of error conditions
  • Layout
    • Specify layout (GUI, config file)
    • Transparently replace channels

Statistics & reporting

  • Useful metrics and statistics out of the box
    • channel usage, performance
    • fragment usage, performance
    • user logins
  • Locally extendable metrics
  • Exposed via reports, JMX, etc.
  • Flexible persitance (file, database)

Generic Channel Support

  • web proxy
  • iframe
  • RSS / feed reader
  • Portlet (JSR-168)
  • WSRP Consumer

General Purpose Channels


Evaluator Requirements

Requirements for individuals evaluating utilizing or deploying a portal based on the uPortal framework.

  • Public demonstration deployment
  • Quickstart release
  • Documentation of features and capabilities
    • Comparison with other portal solutions

Deployer Requirements

Requirements in support of systems programmers and staff deploying uPortal, designers locally skinning uPortal.


  • property management
  • support over-riding default configuration without rebuilding the application
  • support loadbalanced/clustered environments
  • Runs on a FOSS stack (Tomcat servlet container)
  • Runs without modification under JDK 1.4+


Institutional Customization & Personalization

Internationalization & Localization

  • internationalized message storage & generation
  • localized messages automatically selected from user agent
  • architecture for separating translation strings, producing & updating translations

Groups & Authorization

  • integrate with externally defined groups (ldap, db, etc)
  • allow locally defined ad-hoc groups defined and managed through the portal UI
  • distributed group administration
  • expose uPortal groups information via LDAP abstraction via embedded LDAP server (for use, integration with other systems)

Person Information

  • integrate with external sources (ldap, db, etc)
  • allow local attributes defined and managed through the portal UI and API
  • ability to merge attribute information from multiple sources


  • Comprehensive documentation of configuration and deployment

Developer Requirements

Requirements in support of programmers, designers, and other developers who customize, extend, and write widgets for uPortal.

APIs and extension points

  • Authentication API for integrating with a local SSO or other authentication scheme

Code quality

  • Pervasive source-level logging as a best practice for logging the behavior of the portal
  • Comprehensive unit test coverage to prevent regression and support testing of local customizations
  • Thorough specification of APIs
  • Adoption of patterns and best practices yielding readable and maintable code


  • Appropriate use of external libraries and common practices such that external projects' documentation applies to uPortal
  • Comprehensive documentation of intended extension points


Event handling

  • notify users when events occur
  • notify channels when user generated events occur (e.g. login, logout, etc.)
  • general event subscribe, publish support. Support for registration of event listeners.


  • db conversion/migration tools from previous uP versions
  • ability to export & restore data (e.g. between production tiers/instances)
  • easy to integrate change/progress to uP core to local deployments

Standards Support

  • JSR-168 Portlet Support
  • WSRP Consumer Support
  • WSRP Producer Support
  • IChannel support
  • Database independent

Scalablity, Performance and Reliability

  • Ability to serve thousands of users simultaneously
  • Compatible with application server clustering
  • Session replication support
  • Transparent failover support
  • Ability to run for weeks without restarting