uMobile 1.0.0 RC1 announcement
Jasig is proud to announce the first release candidate of the uMobile project. This release marks the first public release and quickstarts of the uMobile server and mobile app projects.
Major initial features
- Persistent authentication and SSO integration
- Personalized modules and content based on user identity and group membership
- Administrative tools
- Inclusion of external mobile sites
- Modules included out of the box:
- Calendar
- News (RSS/Atom)
- Video
- Directory
- Search
- Maps
Downloads are available from: http://downloads.jasig.org/umobile/uMobile-1.0.0-RC1/
Release notes are available at: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/umobile/1.0.0-RC1
Documentation is available at: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UMM
-Jen Bourey