Data Storage Considerations
The raw and aggregate events databases can take a considerable amount of space. The default configuration is fairly conservative, only retaining 1 hour worth of raw and only aggregating a limited set of time intervals and groups. To make space management and upgrades easier it is recommended to place the raw and aggregate events tables in their own schemas or databases.
DataSource Configurations
To better manage the storage and performance requirements of the raw event and aggregate event data sets these can be moved into their own databases.
Step 1: To configure separate JDBC connection information for these data sets edit uportal-war/src/main/resources/properties/ and change the RawEvents and AggrEvents database configuration.
##### uPortal Raw Events DB RawEventsJdbcDriver=${} RawEventsJdbcUrl=${} RawEventsJdbcUser=${} RawEventsJdbcPassword=${} ##### uPortal Aggregate Events DB AggrEventsJdbcDriver=${} AggrEventsJdbcUrl=${} AggrEventsJdbcUser=${} AggrEventsJdbcPassword=${}
Step 2: After modifying the file to store the events to a different database, perform either of the following:
ant initdb
(BEWARE: performing this command will re-initialize your entire database, use with caution. )ant db-hibernate-raw-events
and/orant db-hibernate-aggr-events
Persistent Event Filtering
The default configuration results in all PortalEvents being persisted to the RawEvents database. To exclude certain events, filters can be configured in the listenerEventFilters list in uportal-war/src/main/resources/properties/contexts/eventHandlerContext.xml. There is provided support for filtering events as supported or ignored by type and by the user the event was generated for.
<!-- | List of event filters to apply to all event listeners that handle newly fired events. +--> <util:list id="listenerEventFilters"> <!-- Can be used to filter events based on event type using an instanceof check --> <bean class="org.jasig.portal.spring.context.ClassApplicationEventFilter"> <property name="supportedEvents"> <list> <value></value> </list> </property> <!-- Can configure a list of events to ignore based on event type using an instanceof check. For example if you are using Google Analytics, you can ignore all PortletExecutionEvents and some others. You may want to retain login, logout, layout changes, Portlet hung, and tenant events. Note that the PortletExecutionEvents include information about time to execute the action, render, event, and resource events which could be helpful to report on times that individual portlets are taking to do their operations, though there are currently no reports shipping in uPortal to aggregate and report on that information. It is an example of information that Google Analytics would not report on. <property name="ignoredEvents"> <list> <value></value> <value></value> </list> </property> --> </bean> <!-- Can be used to filter events based on who generated the event <bean class=""> <property name="ignoredUserNamePatterns"> <list> <value>user\..*</value> <value>vptest-user.*</value> </list> </property> <property name="supportGuest" value="true" /> </bean> --> </util:list>
For the list of available event types you can filter using ClassApplicationEventFilter, see all the subclasses of PortalEvent; e.g. see PortalEvents.png for the list of events as of the time of the image capture.
Google Analytics Reports overlap with portal events
Google Anallytics reports (see Google Analytics) provide extensive reports and overlaps quite a bit with uPortal's internal event reports. The recommended strategy is to configure Google Analytics and use it as the primary reporting mechanism. However, there are still advantages to retaining some uPortal events for local reporting. When using Google Analytics, the recommended list of classes to add to the ignoredEvents property of the listenerEventFilters is:
<property name="ignoredEvents"> <list> <value></value> <value></value> </list> </property>
Purging Persistent Events
The Event Aggregation process also handles purging of aggregated events. The default configuration is to purge raw event data 1 hour after it has been aggregated. This window size can be changed by setting the property in uportal-war/src/main/resources/properties/