Event Aggregation Configuration

Event Aggregation Configuration

Event aggregation is the process of reading the persisted PortalEvents and converting them into summarized data sets for later reporting. The aggregation process can summarize the data at various Aggregation Intervals as well as by the Group. These intervals and groups are configurable, remember that the more intervals and groups data is aggregated for the more database storage space is used.

These settings are managed via an XML data file and the standard uPortal import/export process. The default configuration can be found at uportal-war/src/main/data/default_entities/event-aggregation/default.event-aggregation.xml and examples for creating a custom configuration are below.

Interval and Group Filtering

Event aggregation is done against two dimensions, interval and group. To help reduce the aggregate data set size and filter data that won't be used, the intervals and groups used for each aggregator can be configured. The aggregator type value references the aggregator class and configuration targeting org.jasig.portal.events.aggr.IPortalEventAggregator is the default configuration for all aggregators.

This examples shows excluding the MINUTE interval for all aggregators that don't have their own aggregated-interval-config block.

Filtering Aggregation Intervals

This example shows excluding the Guest group from the local group store and the Help Desk group from the pags group store for the Login aggregator.

Filtering Aggregation Groups
    <groupName>Help Desk</groupName>

See issue UP-3300 for information about a web-ui that is planned for managing this configuration in addition to the current XML based import/export approach.