Portal Monitoring

Portal Monitoring

Additional Resources


uPortal, Tomcat, and Java expose a variety of properties with MBeans.  These can be used with monitoring applications.  Some examples include (also see uPortal MBeans.png):

uPortal/Framework/StatisticsAuthenticationTotalLoginsCount of the total number of logins.
 Authentication*Duration of authentication processing in milliseconds.
uPortal/DataSource/PortalDbNumActiveActive number of uPortal DB connections.
uPortal/Hibernate/HibernateStatistics*Various hibernate statistics. Refer to Hibernate documentation.
uPortal/Framework/HungWorkerAnalyzerHungPortletCountTotalNumber of threads for portlets that might have hung or are waiting for long periods for typically I/O completion.
uPortal/Framework/PortletThreadPoolActiveCountNumber of threads for portlets that are actively executing.
 LargestPoolSizeLargest size of the pool.
 TaskCountCounter of the number of portlet executions (should be increasing as uPortal runs, should be close to CompletedTaskCount).
java/lang/*variousMBeans exposed by Java.
Catalina/**variousMBeans exposed by Tomcat.

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