Portal Monitoring
Portal Monitoring
uPortal, Tomcat, and Java expose a variety of properties with MBeans. These can be used with monitoring applications. Some examples include (also see uPortal MBeans.png):
Mbean | Property | Description |
uPortal/Framework/Statistics | AuthenticationTotalLogins | Count of the total number of logins. |
Authentication* | Duration of authentication processing in milliseconds. | |
uPortal/DataSource/PortalDb | NumActive | Active number of uPortal DB connections. |
uPortal/Hibernate/HibernateStatistics | * | Various hibernate statistics. Refer to Hibernate documentation. |
uPortal/Framework/HungWorkerAnalyzer | HungPortletCountTotal | Number of threads for portlets that might have hung or are waiting for long periods for typically I/O completion. |
uPortal/Framework/PortletThreadPool | ActiveCount | Number of threads for portlets that are actively executing. |
LargestPoolSize | Largest size of the pool. | |
TaskCount | Counter of the number of portlet executions (should be increasing as uPortal runs, should be close to CompletedTaskCount). | |
java/lang/* | various | MBeans exposed by Java. |
Catalina/** | various | MBeans exposed by Tomcat. |