Respondr Skinning Process

Documentation in progress. Base of documentation pulled from Respondr Skinning Process


  1. Copy and rename the defaultSkin/ and defaultSkin.less files in the Respondr directory (<uportal_dir>/uportal-war/src/main/webapp/media/skins/respondr/).  ex: skin_name/ & skin_name.less

  2. Edit the newly created <uportal_dir>/uportal-war/src/main/webapp/media/skins/respondr/skin_name.less file and change defaultSkin in the @import statements to skin_name:

    /** DO NOT REMOVE THIS INCLUDE ****************/
    @import "skin_name/less/variables.less";
    @import "common/common.less";
    @import "skin_name/less/skin.less";
  3. Edit <uportal_dir>/uportal-war/src/main/webapp/media/skins/respondr/skinList.xml and add your skin. (for now, replace the defaultSkin with the skin_name)

          Basic skin for the Respondr theme based on Twitter Bootstrap and Responsive Design
  4.  Edit the <uportal_dir>/uportal-war/pom.xml and search for “defaultSkin.less” and change to skin_name.less

  5.  Edit the <uportal_dir>/uportal-war/src/main/data/default_entities/portlet-definition/dynamic-respondr-skin.portlet-definition.xml file and add: 

  6. Edit the <uportal_dir>/uportal-war/src/main/data/required_entities/stylesheet-descriptor/Respondr.stylesheet-descriptor.xml  file and replace defaultSkin with skin_name

  7. Do an “ant initdb” to apply the new changes in the data

  8. Do a ant clean deploy-war


Don’t forget to add the new skin to Git!