MS SQL Server and MS JDBC Driver
MS SQL Server and MS JDBC Driver
Step 1: Obtain the MS JDBC driver
Since the MS SQL Server JDBC driver is not available in the central Maven repository, it must be placed into the local repository of each machine on which you wish to build uPortal.
Option: Local Maven caching repository
As an alternative to this, you could set up a maven repository for use by multiple machines.
- Download MS JDBC driver directly from Microsift, here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=11774
- Follow the installation instructions, noting where the driver JAR file is located
- Note the location of the driver JAR file and the version
Install the driver into the local Maven repository
Install MS SQL Server drivermvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.microsoft.sqlserver -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -Dfile=<driver JAR file>
- Again, note the groupId, artifactId and version. These will be used in Step 3.
Step 2: Configure the Database Filter
- From the uPortal source directory, open the uPortal-4.x.x/filters/local.properties file and add your database information
## HSQL Configuration environment.build.hsql.port=8887 ## Database Connection Settings (Uncomment the Maven Filters section in rdbm.properties) environment.build.hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver environment.build.hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<servername>:<port>;databaseName=<databasename> environment.build.hibernate.connection.username=username environment.build.hibernate.connection.password=password environment.build.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect environment.build.hibernate.connection.validationQuery=select 1
Step 3: Add the database driver
NEW: Open uportal-db/pom.xml file, uncomment the MSSQL sqljdbc driver below and modify as needed
- Add the appropriate version properties to the root pom.xml file or enter the appropriate version below
... <dependencies> <!-- Add any db drivers that are applicable to *any* of your environments --> <dependency> <groupId>org.hsqldb</groupId> <artifactId>hsqldb</artifactId> <version>${hsqldb.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <!-- | The following db drivers should be uncommented and/or modified as needed for server | deployments. (Add all thaat are needed.) Don't forget to add appropriate .version | properties to the root pom.xml, or simply enter the appropriate version below. +--> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>${postgres.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.ibm.db2</groupId> <artifactId>db2-jdbc</artifactId> <version>${db2.version}</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> --> <dependency> <groupId>com.microsoft.sqlserver</groupId> <artifactId>sqljdbc4</artifactId> <version>${mssql.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>${mysql.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.oracle</groupId> <artifactId>ojdbc6_g</artifactId> <version>${oracle.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.sybase</groupId> <artifactId>sybase-jconnect</artifactId> <version>${sybase.version}</version> </dependency> --> </dependencies>
Step 4: Test the Configuration
Running the dbtest
ant target will tell you if you have configured the database connection properly.
ant dbtest
Step 5: Build and Deploy
Following a successful test, you can execute the command below to build the database tables and copy files to your servlet container.
ant clean initportal
Step 6: Restart Tomcat
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