Deploy and Publish a Portlet

Deploy and Publish a Portlet

Documentation provided by Lakshmi Maktala, Project Coordinator, from Oakland University

Step 1: Deploy a portlet

  • deploy a portlet by running the following command from your uPortal source directory (Replace ClassSchedule.war below with your portlet war file)
ant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=/path/to/ClassSchedule.war

Step 2: Publish the portlet

  •  Define the portlet under Portlet Administration. Select "Register New Portlet",  click on the "Portlet" option and click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.

  • Select your new portlet from the drop-down menu and click "Next"

  • Fill out the Summary information for your new portlet and click Next (See example below).

  • Fill out the portlet.xml Preferences and click Next. (See images below)

  • Select Categories which your portlet will belong to and click Next. (See image below)

  • Select the People and Groups who can add your new portlet to their layout and click Next. (See images below)

  • Fill out the Lifecycle of your new portlet and click Next

  • Fill out any necessary Configurations on your new portlet, confirm that everything is set accordingly and click Save  (See images below)

Step 3: Add the new portlet

  • Since we made the example portlet above only available to students, login as a student
  • Add the new portlet to the layout by clicking on "Add Content"

  • Select your new portlet from the selection list and click on the "Add to My Page" button. (See image below)

  • Now, your portlet has been added (See image below)

Additional References

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