10 Switching among Layout Managers

10 Switching among Layout Managers

Converting Between SLM, ALM, and DLM

uPortal version 2.5 comes configured to use ALM by default. To convert between the different layout management approaches follow these simple steps.

Step 1

Stop the web server if not stopped already.

Step 2

Open portal.properties and search for any of these three accronyms. There are two properties that the portal uses to startup the appropriate code to perform that layout management functionality. Preceding each of these properties is a comment block outlining what value that property should have for each of the respective layout management approaches. The properties that need to be changed are:

portal.properties to be Changed



After changing this value redeploy using, "ant deploy", so that the modified portal.properties file is pushed to <webApplicationRoot>/WEB-INF/classes/properties unless you changed the version in that location.

Step 3

Modify user accounts in the database. Specifically, the UP_USER_PROFILE table contains a lookup of the structure and theme stylesheets that should be used by users. The following SQL can be used to modify the values for the respective layout management approaches. See the following table for the specific stylesheet values that come in the default uPortal database.

You can map and configure a Servlet Context Listener to do this for you.

UPDATE up_user_profile
SET structure_ss_id=<struct Id From Below>,
theme_ss_id=<theme Id From Below>
WHERE theme_ss_id=<current Theme Id In up_user_profile>;


Structure Stylesheet Id

Theme Stylesheet Id










Step 4

Restart the web server.