

This page is intended for cataloging the portal.properties properties that a deployer might set and their behaviors.

\# portal.properties

\# These properties can be retrieved like this in your java code:
\# String propertyValue  = PropertiesManager.getProperty(propertyName);
\# boolean propertyValue = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsBoolean(propertyName);
\# byte propertyValue    = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsByte(propertyName);
\# short propertyValue   = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsShort(propertyName);
\# int propertyValue     = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsInt(propertyName);
\# long propertyValue    = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsLong(propertyName);
\# float propertyValue   = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsFloat(propertyName);
\# double propertyValue  = PropertiesManager.getPropertyAsDouble(propertyName);
\# Please keep the formatting of this properties file as follows:
\#   # Comment line 1
\#   # Comment line 2, etc
\#&nbsp;&nbsp; #&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <-\- (leave a blank commented line)
\#&nbsp;&nbsp; property_name=property_value
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <-\- (leave two blank
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <--&nbsp; uncommented lines)

\# SAX parser implementation for use with JAXP

\# Controls whether or not StylesheetSet objects are cached.
\# Setting this to "on" improves performance, but then changes to
\# any stylesheet list files (.ssl) will not take effect until
\# the portal has been restarted.

\# Controls whether or not pre-compiled stylesheets should be cached.
\# Setting this to "on" improves performance, but then changes to
\# any stylesheet files (.xsl) will not take effect until
\# the portal has been restarted.

\# Controls whether URL content is cached
\# When using CAR files, this option, along with the stylesheet root caching controls
\# the caching of XSL files, since they are loaded from a jar URL

\# Controls caching for framework stylesheets

\# Controls caching at the character level.&nbsp; Note: Character
\# caching can only be enabled for serializers that implement
\# the org.jasig.portal.serialize.CachingSerializer interface.
\# Character caching offers greatly improved performance.

\# Min size of xslt cache.

\# Min size of system character block cache

\# If set to true, the XML resulting from the structure and/or theme
\# transformations will be printed to the portal log file provided
\# that the log level is set to DEBUG (see Logger.properties).
\# You can then grab the XML and use it within an XSLT editor to
\# work on theme and structure stylesheets.&nbsp; Note that the XML before the
\# theme transformation doesn't include channel markup which is inserted
\# by the portal after the theme transformation.

\# Decides whether or not to copy the character block into a new object.
\# Set to 'no' unless your SAX parser is passing the same reference to
\# successive calls of the SAX2BufferImpl.characters() method.&nbsp; This behavior
\# has been observed in Resin's SAX parser for example.

\# Channel manager thread pool settings. For meaning of thread pool settings,
\# see org.jasig.portal.utils.threading.BoundedThreadPool



\# Controls thread pool for channel workers

\# Controls whether or not channel output should be cached.
\# Channel output is cached at the SAX event level unless
\# character caching is possible and enabled.

\# This is the default cache timeout value (in seconds) for all channels
\# of type org.jasig.portal.channels.CGenericXSLT that do not specify
\# their own cache timeout value. This default value is overridden by
\# any CGenericXSLT channel that has a static parameter called "cacheTimeout"

\# This is the default cache timeout value (in seconds) for all channels
\# of type org.jasig.portal.channels.webproxy.CWebProxy that do not specify
\# their own cache timeout value. This default value is overridden by
\# any CWebProxy channel that has a static parameter called
\# "cw_cacheDefaultTimeout"

\# This is the default cache mode for all channels of type
\# org.jasig.portal.channels.webproxy.CWebProxy that do not specify
\# their own cache scope. This default value is overridden by
\# any CWebProxy channel that has a static parameter called
\# "cw_cacheDefaultMode"

\# This is the default value for the cw_personAllow static data parameter
\# for channels of type org.jasig.portal.channels.webproxy.CWebProxy.
\# An empty value or "\!*" means no attributes may be passed. "*" means
\# allw attributes may be passed.

\# This is the default cache timeout value (in seconds) for the channel
\# registry, a list of channels that one can subscribe to.

\# This is the default cache timeout value (in seconds) for the channel
\# types, a list of java class / .cpd file combinations that one can publish.

\# This is the default cache timeout value (in seconds) for the channel
\# publishing documents (CPD).

\# Controls whether or not document type declaration should be included
\# in serialized output of HTML and XHTML documents.
\# Setting this to "no" will allow the appropriate document type
\# declaration to appear in the document,
\# e.g. <\!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-html-in-xml/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
\# Beware that some browsers such as Netscape have trouble rendering pages whose
\# markup includes a document type.&nbsp; If you change this setting to "no", you should
\# do some testing to make sure that the portal renders correctly in the browsers you
\# choose to support.

\# Controls whether or not serializer output should be indented.
\# Setting this to "on" produces indented markup (HTML, XHTML, etc).
\# It may be helpful during development to set this to "on", improving
\# the readability of the source markup.&nbsp; However, the identing can
\# greatly increase the size of a page, so during production this should
\# be set to "off".

\# Controls whether or not to allow the disabling of output escaping.
\# If set to "yes", then it will be possible to include unescaped markup
\# within an XML element.&nbsp; For example, you could include HTML tags within
\# the description of an RSS description element like this:
\# <description><b>This is an important description</b></description>
\# Note that this makes it possible for markup that is not well-formed
\# to end up in the final document.

\# Controls the behavior of Authentication Service regarding the automatic creation of
\# portal user data for a user who has authenticated.&nbsp; true indicates that the
\# data should be automatically created.&nbsp; \[UPC:The class to implement the creation,
\# IUserIdentityStore, is specified in the RDBM properties file.\]

\# Controls the default user to use as a template for new users.

\# If this is set to true then the PersonDirectory service will be used to populate users

\# Class name of the concrete IPersonManager implementation to be used

\# Controls the user that represents a "Guest" user in the portal.
\# Users are considered guests when they have this user name and
\# they are have not authenticated with the portal.
\# Tip: Make sure the value of this property is not a real user name
\# within your organization.

\# Tells the ChainingSecurityContext whether or not to stop trying to authenticate a user
\# once they have successfully passed authentication

\# Maximum file size we are willing to accept on a file upload

\# Controls features that prevent repeated requests from going through.
\# Set this to "yes" when load testing, debugging, or typing things
\# in on a command line.
\# This value should normally be set to "no".

\# Determines whether or not to obtain connections from a javax.sql.DataSource
\# that has been bound in the container's JNDI context.&nbsp; This is the J2EE-preferred
\# way of obtaining connections.&nbsp; If set to false or if the location of the DataSource
\# in JNDI fails, the portal will produce connections from java.sql.DriverManager and
\# the JDBC properties set in rdbm.properties.
\# By default, uPortal will look in JNDI under the context java:comp/env/jdbc/DBNAME
\# for the DataSource, where DBNAME is the name you pass to the getConnection() or
\# getDataSource() method in RDBMServices.&nbsp; For the default core uPortal database,
\# the value for DBNAME is given by the value of the portal.properties property
\# org.jasig.portal.RDBMServices.PortalDatasourceJndiName.&nbsp;
\# See the context file uPortal.xml for an example of configuring such a DataSource
\# in Tomcat.

\# Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait after a failed JNDI lookup before
\# attempting to lookup the DataSource again. This does not cause blocking but will
\# simply cause an immediate fail of the lookup for the duration of the specified
\# delay

\# Specifies the JNDI names of the configured portal and person databases. The
\# names are used when org.jasig.portal.RDBMServices.getDatasourceFromJndi is
\# true to lookup the default portal databases.

\# Implementations of persistant store interfaces
\# For UserLayoutStoreFactory:
\# Change between the following three to convert between ALM, DLM, and SLM.
\# \--\- ALM Value: org.jasig.portal.layout.alm.AggregatedUserLayoutStore (v2.2+)
\# \--\- DLM Value: org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.RDBMDistributedLayoutStore (v2.5+)
\# \--\- SLM Value: org.jasig.portal.layout.simple.RDBMUserLayoutStore

\# Factory for Sequence ID (OID) Generator

\# IGroupServiceFactory used by the GroupService

\# Specifies whether or not groups should be cached.
\# Only turn this off for debugging.

\# Key for IEntityGroup representing everyone (all portal users).

\# Key for IEntityGroup representing all channel categories.

\# Key for IEntityGroup representing portal system administrators (those with superuser privileges)

\# Retrieval limits for Groups Manager.
\# Limit the number of group members that should be enumerated when the Groups Manager generates
\# an XML representation of the groups hierarchy

\# Name Finder Factories:

\# Profile management settings:

\# Specifies if browser to profile mappings guessed by matching
\# regular expressions in browser.properties should be persisted
\# in the database.

\# Core IUserLayoutManager implementation.
\# Change between the following three to convert between ALM, DLM, and SLM.
\# \--\- ALM Value: org.jasig.portal.layout.alm.AggregatedLayoutManager
\# \--\- DLM Value: org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.DistributedLayoutManager
\# \--\- SLM Value: org.jasig.portal.layout.simple.SimpleUserLayoutManager

\# IRestrictionManager implementation. Checks different types of restrictions on the user layout nodes.
\# Aggregated layouts restriction manager is used by default.

\# Authorization Service settings:
\#&nbsp;&nbsp; * IPermissionStore.implementation is the permission store.
\#&nbsp;&nbsp; * IPermissionPolicy.defaultImplementation is the permission policy used when not overridden at
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; runtime (see IAuthorizationPrincipal.hasPermission()).
\#&nbsp;&nbsp; * IAuthorizationService.cachePermissions sets if permissions will be cached by the
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; entity caching service.&nbsp; (Default=true).

\# Concurrency Services settings:
\#&nbsp; multiServer (true/false) indicates if the portal will run in multiple jvms.
\#&nbsp; clockTolerance (in milliseconds) sets a fudge factor to account for system clocks
\#&nbsp; on different hosts.&nbsp; Only used when org.jasig.portal.concurrency.multiServer=true.
\#&nbsp; Defaults:&nbsp; multiServer=false
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; clockTolerance=5000

\# Entity Lock Service settings:
\#&nbsp; * defaultLockDuration sets the default lock duration in seconds.&nbsp; Locks can also be
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; requested for specific durations.
\# Defaults: defaultLockDuration=300

\# Entity Caching Service settings:
\#&nbsp; * defaultMaxCacheSize - the default value for maximum number of entries in a cache.
\#&nbsp; * defaultSweepInterval - the default value in seconds for the interval between cache sweeps.
\#&nbsp; * defaultMaxIdleTime - the default value in seconds for the time after which a cache
\#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; entry may be purged if it has not been accessed.
\# These defaults can be overridden for individual entity caches with entries of the form:
\# <entity-service>.<entity-type>.<attribute>=<value>.
\# For example,
\# org.jasig.portal.concurrency.IEntityCachingService.org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson.maxCacheSize=1000
\# org.jasig.portal.concurrency.IEntityCachingService.org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson.sweepInterval=60
\# org.jasig.portal.concurrency.IEntityCachingService.org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson.maxIdleTime=1800
\# Note that if org.jasig.portal.concurrency.multiServer is true, the cache will
\# create and consume cache invalidations to synchronize with peer caches.

\# Protocol handler for https connections.&nbsp; Set by default to the one provided with
\# Sun's JSSE - change to use your local JSSE implementation

\# The flag to determine wether UserPreferences should be saved at the end of each session

\# IPortalDocument implementation

\# IDOMInitService implementation. Use in conjuction with the dom
\# implementation configured with jaxp/trax api.

\# Locales supported by this portal installation. Locales should be
\# specified using a comma-separated list.&nbsp; Each locale should be
\# represented by two letter country code, per ISO-639, and a
\# two letter language code, per ISO-3166, separated by an
\# underscore character.

\# Controls the source attribute proxy rewrite for&nbsp; image, applet and
\# input elements.&nbsp; The rewrite can only be enabled for
\# org.jasig.portal.serialize.HTMLMarkupSerializer.
\# The proxy rewrite prefix will be substituted for the "http://" portion
\# of the url in the src attribute of the rewritable elements listed above.
\# Proxy rewriting is used to avoid mixed content when running the portal
\# over ssl.

\# In case apache is sitting in front,the proxy directive in httpd.conf
\# allows using /proxy/ prefix instead of ProxyServlet. The httpd.conf should include
\# something like "ProxyPass /proxy/ http://" within each virtual host element that allows
\# proxy rewrite.
\# Example settings:
\# /servlet/ProxyServlet/&nbsp;&nbsp; (uses proxy servlet included with uPortal)
\# /proxy/&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (uses proxy which must be configured in Apache)

\# HttpProxyServlet will check referer to make sure proxied content is going to
\# real portal pages.&nbsp; To enable, set referer to the the base url for your
\# portal when using ssl. For example:
\# org.jasig.portal.HttpProxyServlet.checkReferer=https://portal.yourschool.edu

\# In some channels the content of the channel is an include javascript
\# file. The ProxyWriter rewrites the javascript file to a location on
\# virtual host on the same server as the portal and proxies all the
\# http referenced image tags in the file. Then the channel uses the local
\# file to read its content. This test is skipped if the URL domain is considerd to be
\# local (no_redirect_domain).
\# org.jasig.portal.serialize.ProxyWriter.proxy_files_uri=http://portal.yourschool.edu/
\# org.jasig.portal.serialize.ProxyWriter.proxy_files_path=../work/_/
\# org.jasig.portal.serialize.ProxyWriter.no_redirect_domain=yourschool.edu

\# The number of recent PortalExceptions ProblemsTable should cache
\# for each Specific (Error subcategory).

\# The number of recent PortalExceptions the ProblemsTable should cache
\# in its overall FIFO cache of recent PortalExceptions.

\# Whether or not to add anchors to URLs created by channels.
\# If set to true, these anchors will cause the browser to
\# jump down to the title of the channel when a user clicks on
\# a link within the channel.&nbsp; The anchor ID is the same as the
\# channel subscription ID.

\# Determines the default content handler class to use to process the channel-definition
\# elements in channel archive deployment descriptors if any. If this property is not
\# defined then a default internal content handler is used. If special handling is needed
\# for publishing channels in CARs then uncomment this property and specify the class
\# that should receive the channel-definition block and contents.

\# Uniquely identifies the the Pluto portlet container instance to be used for this uPortal instance.
\# This property allows you to run more than one copy of uPortal in the same Tomcat environment using different
\# portlet containers within Pluto.

\# Defines the internal implementation of the Channel Admin channel which is the
\# channel that is focused when the user selects the Channel Admin link. The
\# default provided creates a flat list of links that a user has permission to
\# access. An implementation must implement IChannel, ICacheable,
\# and INavigationModel.



In order to reduce overhead you may run your portal with multiServer=false. You will need to never change group/permissions/channel settings in a live running portal but rather make these changes during schedule downtimes when you can restart all instances. The multiServer setting affects entity locking and caching. If you don't change groups, permissions or channel definitions, you're ok running with multiServer=false. UNLESS you have custom code that makes use of locking or caching for other things. Columbia, for example, uses the locking service to protect resources in a shared file system.



Defines the default entity caching service settings. There are three properties that can be set for default values:

  • defaultMaxCacheSize - the default value for maximum number of entries in a cache.
  • defaultSweepInterval - the default value in seconds for the interval between cache sweeps.
  • defaultMaxIdleTime - the default value in seconds for the time after which a cache entry may be purged if it has not been accessed.

These defaults can be overriden for any sub-interface or implementation of org.jasig.portal.IBasicEntity. For example you can set org.jasig.portal.concurrency.IEntityCachingService.org.jasig.portal.security.IPerson.maxCacheSize=1000
which would override the defaultMaxCacheSize for Objects of type IPerson.

Please note, that if you do not override the defaults, you may get warnings when publishing channels about properties not being found. This is simply the channel publisher warning you that it tried to see if there was an override to the default, but failed to find one.