02 PostgreSQL
02 PostgreSQL
Below are the steps required to integrate Postgres with uPortal
This was written for version 2.4.2 but should work on 2.5.* and earlier version of uPortal as well.
- Download the latest Postgres http://www.postgresql.org/.
- Make the postgresql executable, ensuring that you use the --with-java parameter to generate the postgresql.jar.
- Create the database according to the postgres documents. Assume the name 'portal' was chosen for the following instructions.
- Copy the postgresql.jar to the lib directory of your portal development directory.
- Edit rdbm.properties and uncommment the lines for postgres. Modify the URL, user and password as appropriate:
jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/portal jdbcUser=postgres jdbcPassword=
- If you are using PersonDirs.xml, edit the file and enter:
<driver>org.postgresql.Driver</driver> <url>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/portal</url> <logonid>postgres</logonid> <logonpassword></logonpassword>
- Start Postgres.
- In your portal development directory, issue the command
If it works correct you should see something like
ant dbtest
% ant dbtest Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: [UPC:copy] Copying 2 files to C:\portal\build\WEB-INF\classes\properties dbtest: [UPC:echo] Invoking DbTest [UPC:java] Database name: 'PostgreSQL' [UPC:java] Database version: '7.4.5' [UPC:java] Driver name: 'PostgreSQL Native Driver' [UPC:java] Driver version: 'PostgreSQL 7.4.5 JDBC3 with SSL (build 215)' [UPC:java] Driver class: 'org.postgresql.Driver' [UPC:java] Connection URL: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test' [UPC:java] User: 'postgres' [UPC:java] supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL: true [UPC:java] supportsANSI92FullSQL: false [UPC:java] supportsCoreSQLGrammar: false [UPC:java] supportsExtendedSQLGrammar: false [UPC:java] supportsTransactions: true [UPC:java] supportsMultipleTransactions: true [UPC:java] supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit: false [UPC:java] supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback: false [UPC:java] supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit: true [UPC:java] supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback: true [UPC:java] supportsStoredProcedures: false [UPC:java] supportsOuterJoins: true [UPC:java] supportsFullOuterJoins: true [UPC:java] supportsLimitedOuterJoins: true [UPC:java] supportsBatchUpdates: true [UPC:java] supportsColumnAliasing: true [UPC:java] supportsExpressionsInOrderBy: true [UPC:java] supportsOrderByUnrelated: true [UPC:java] supportsPositionedDelete: false [UPC:java] supportsSelectForUpdate: true [UPC:java] supportsUnion: true [UPC:java] supportsUnionAll: true [UPC:java] getMaxColumnNameLength: 63 [UPC:java] getMaxColumnsInIndex: 32 [UPC:java] getMaxColumnsInOrderBy: 0 [UPC:java] getMaxColumnsInSelect: 0 [UPC:java] getMaxColumnsInTable: 1600 [UPC:java] getMaxConnections: 8192 [UPC:java] getMaxCursorNameLength: 63 [UPC:java] getMaxIndexLength: 0 [UPC:java] getMaxRowSize: 1073741824 [UPC:java] getMaxStatements: 1 [UPC:java] getMaxTableNameLength: 63 [UPC:java] getMaxTablesInSelect: 0 [UPC:java] getMaxUserNameLength: 63 [UPC:java] getSearchStringEscape: \\ [UPC:java] Table Types: INDEX,SEQUENCE,SYSTEM INDEX,SYSTEM TABLE,SYSTEM TOAST I NDEX,SYSTEM TOAST TABLE,SYSTEM VIEW,TABLE,TEMPORARY INDEX,TEMPORARY TABLE,VIEW [UPC:java] SQL Types: bool,bytea,char,name,int8,int2,int2vector,int4,regproc,te xt,oid,tid,xid,cid,oidvector,SET,pg_type,pg_attribute,pg_proc,pg_class,pg_shadow ,pg_group,pg_database,smgr,point,lseg,path,box,polygon,line,_line,float4,float8, abstime,reltime,tinterval,unknown,circle,_circle,money,_money,macaddr,inet,cidr, _bool,_bytea,_char,_name,_int2,_int2vector,_int4,_regproc,_text,_oid,_tid,_xid,_ ...............
- Edit properties/dbloader.xml and verify that there is an entry just like the database version you displayed in the last step:
If there is not an exact match, then add it.
<db-type-mapping> <db-name>PostgreSQL</db-name> <db-version>7.4.5</db-version> <driver-name>PostgreSQL Native Driver</driver-name> <driver-version>PostgreSQL 7.4.5 JDBC3 with SSL (build 215)</driver-version> <type><generic>LONGVARCHAR</generic><local>TEXT</local></type> <type><generic>VARCHAR</generic><local>VARCHAR</local></type> <type><generic>LONGVARBINARY</generic><local>BYTEA</local></type> <type><generic>VARBINARY</generic><local>BYTEA</local></type> <type><generic>BLOB</generic><local>OID</local></type> </db-type-mapping>
- Execute
to build the database tables
ant db
- Execute
to copy files to your servlet container
ant deploy
- Start your servlet container.
If you upgrade Postgres, you should replace postgresql.jar and update entries in dbloader.xml. The jar file may
also be placed in the Tomcat common/lib directory.