05 Focus a channel

05 Focus a channel

Channel self-focusing

You can focus the channel via a request parameter: uP_root=me

When you want to "unfocus", use uP_root=root


<a href="{$baseActionURL}?uP_root=me">Focus me</a>
<form name="Focus me" action="{$baseActionURL}">
  <input type="hidden" name="uP_root" value="root"/> 

Thanks to Ken Weiner for providing this information on the JASIG-PORTAL list.


You might want to have links outside your portal link into your uPortal, through login, to a channel in focus mode.
This is how Yale University delivers its Network Registration channel.


NOTE in order to successfully validate your service ticket, you should either use the CAS support bundled with uP 2.5.2, YaleCasFilteredContext or modify the portal authentication framework to pass in the request URI to ensure that additional parameters are passed through to CAS as part of the service URL. Jason Jason



This was accomplished via a modification to LoginServlet (uPortal > 2.4) to collect the parameters and preserve them during the login process, reapplying them after the user has authenticated.