

uPortal 3.2.2 GA announcement

Jasig is proud to announce the general audience release of uPortal 3.2.2. uPortal 3.2.2 is the recommended version with which to start a new uPortal deployment.

The following issues have been addressed for 3.2.2:


  • UP-706 - CWebProxy appends parameters after #
  • UP-1212 - Changing the user locale does not change the session locale
  • UP-1599 - Exception Closing Oracle DB Connection under WebSpere 6.1
  • UP-1624 - CLONE -WEBPROXY channel only passes IPERSON parameters on the initial GET call
  • UP-1884 - NPE in RDBMUserIdentityStore.removePortalUID
  • UP-2382 - Sitemap - fifth tab does not properly wrap to the next row
  • UP-2565 - Removing published portlets from portlet manager causes uportal to crash with the generic error
  • UP-2608 - coal and uportal3 skin render problem
  • UP-2612 - can't use "add content" chooser with coal skin
  • UP-2614 - Fragment Administration portlet fails on coal skin
  • UP-2615 - The Exit Fragment Administration portlet css need to be updated for the ivy and coal skins
  • UP-2627 - Prefix must resolve to a namespace error on first startup
  • UP-2629 - Maximised mode portlet controls show images in background
  • UP-2630 - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
  • UP-2635 - Administration Portlet gives error if no group selected
  • UP-2643 - SystemId not set for source in XSLT (affect xsl:import)
  • UP-2668 - .car archive are never redeployed even if processIf tags says it should be
  • UP-2669 - Unable to Select the Everyone Group when Assigning Groups to Portlets
  • UP-2672 - Users can't subscribe to just-created channels
  • UP-2673 - Errors in CSpringPortletAdaptor.cpd
  • UP-2681 - Can not select Category or Group in Portlet Manager with Firefox 3.6.2 or Internet Explorer 8
  • UP-2682 - Edit Portlet Mode control does not work in uPortal 3.2.1
  • UP-2685 - Bug in init.crn XML file in SmartLdapGroupsStore prevents it from properly analyzing groups in LDAP
  • UP-2687 - SQL statement with incorrect number of parameters
  • UP-2690 - Administrators do not have subscribe permissions on non-published content
  • UP-2696 - Can not use "Groups Administration" portlet in uPortal 3.2.1 despite the option being available to users
  • UP-2697 - CONFIG mode is inaccessible
  • UP-2698 - Bug in CacheSecurityContext prevents it from working with any "real" SecurityContext except SimpleSecurityContext
  • UP-2700 - Encoding pb "add content" - XmlView ChannelList - ISO-8859-1
  • UP-2703 - Delete Fluid version variable from public scope
  • UP-2704 - unicon-news does not work in uPortal 3.2.x
  • UP-2705 - UP_VERSIONS is not updated for 3.2.1
  • UP-2712 - Can only search once in Portal Admin Portlet - Register New Portlet - Select Categories and Select People and Groups
  • UP-2714 - In portlet.xml of uPortal webapp, RegisterPortalPortlet has display-name "Attribute Swapper Portlet"
  • UP-2725 - DLM error with ldap user
  • UP-2731 - After deleting expired porlets, uPortal fails to render
  • UP-2732 - WebProxyPortlet Rich Portlet Config fails out of box


  • UP-2617 - List portlet webapps in alphabetical order in Portlet Administration register new portlet dropdown
  • UP-2655 - Upgrade to Fluid Infusion 1.2 for mobile theme CSS
  • UP-2688 - SmartLdapGroupStore improperly looks for membership relationships for non-IPerson entities
  • UP-2694 - Add css classes for portlet form ui to denote disabled states
  • UP-2710 - Remove the static block from SmartLdapGroupStore
  • UP-2711 - Show dynamic title option for portlet publishing type
  • UP-2722 - CAS Proxy Test Portlet's service URL should be configurable

New Feature

  • UP-139 - saving minimized channel state
  • UP-2600 - Accessibility - add a high-contrast skin
  • UP-2640 - Administration Portlet warns " Please enter an fname" when i forgot entering the "channel Name" in practice
  • UP-2692 - Enhance SmartLdap groups to optionally resolve member groups existing outside the normal baseDn
  • UP-2706 - Allow RSS reader to use proxy server


  • UP-2654 - Update libraries
  • UP-2752 - Get the Maven release plugin working
  • UP-2754 - Upgrade Libraries for 3.2.2


  • UP-2315 - Move uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/db/entities out of the uportal-impl module
  • UP-2384 - NPE uportal-impl/src/main/java/org/jasig/portal/car/DescriptorHandler.java
  • UP-2387 - NPE uportal-impl/src/main/java/org/jasig/portal/groups/filesystem/FileSystemGroupStoreFactory.java
  • UP-2665 - Update channel export to use the ChannelDefinition API, fix regression

Important 3.2 Upgrading Note

uPortal 3.2 has had database changes that are incompatible with the previous releases. Upgrading to uPortal 3.2 from 3.1 or older will require using the crn-export scripts in your current install and then the crn-import scripts in your new uPortal 3.2 install. Pointing a uPortal 3.2 release at an older database will very likely not work and could cause database corruption.

Downloads are available from: http://www.jasig.org/uportal/download/uportal-322
Release notes are available at: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/UPC/3.2.2

uPortal Project Lead,
-Eric Dalquist

Deployer Notes

  • Requires Servlet API 2.5 to run. Tomcat 6.0 is the first version of Tomcat to support Servlet 2.5
  • Requires JDK 6.0
  • Data export and import is required when upgrading.

Bugs known to afflict uPortal 3.2.2

priority key summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Issues addressed in uPortal 3.2.2

type priority key summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.