

uPortal 3.2.0 GA announcement

Jasig is proud to announce the general audience release of uPortal 3.2.0. uPortal 3.2 is the recommended version with which to start a new uPortal deployment.

What's New in 3.2

Portlet Administration

  • New user interface for portlet administration which provides significant user experience improvement
  • New portlet lifecycle features
    • Mark channels as created, approved, published, and expired
    • Delegate permission for each lifecycle step by user group
    • Set future dates for automatic publishing and expiration of portlets
  • Integration with new config mode allows portlets to define a custom configuration user interface

Mobile Theme

  • New iPhone theme for both uPortal and CAS

New and improved publishing types

  • Portlet versions of image and iframe channel types
  • Portlet version of CSQLQuery channel, with new Fluid pager and Google visualization auto-graphing view
  • Improved configuration UI for Web Proxy Portlet

UI Improvements

  • Improved flyout menus, make modifying tab CSS less complex
  • Increased standardization of portlet CSS
  • New "coal" skin
  • UI Resource Aggregation
    • Improves performance by aggregating javascript and CSS resources and setting long-term cache headers
    • Special mode allows UE developers to turn off aggregation, minification and caching without having to restart uPortal

New portlets bundled with uPortal

  • Weather portlet
  • Google Maps
  • Language Translation
  • Dictionary/Thesaurus
  • CAS proxy test portlet

IChannels have been officially deprecated in 3.2. Please see the IChannel Deprecation Announcement for more information about this change and the future of IChannels and uPortal.

Important Upgrading Note

uPortal 3.2.0 has had database changes that are incompatible with the previous releases. Upgrading to uPortal 3.2.0 will require using the crn-export scripts in your current install and then the crn-import scripts in your new uPortal 3.2.0 install. Pointing a uPortal 3.2.0 release at an older database will very likely not work and could cause database corruption.

Downloads are available from: http://www.jasig.org/uportal/download/uportal-320
Release notes are available at: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/3.2.0

uPortal Project Lead,
-Eric Dalquist

Deployer Notes

  • Requires Servlet API 2.5 to run. Tomcat 6.0 is the first version of Tomcat to support Servlet 2.5
  • Requires JDK 6.0
  • Data export and import is required when upgrading.

Bugs known to afflict uPortal 3.2.0

priority key summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Issues addressed in uPortal 3.2.0

type priority key summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.