uPortal Developers Meeting at St. Paul - 2008.04

uPortal Developers Meeting at St. Paul - 2008.04

Meeting Minutes

Detailed Minutes

Date and Time

April 30 - May 2 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), 2008
9 AM to 4 PM each day

Since this developers meeting is following the JA-SIG conference the time will focus on group discussion of development issues and actual development time. The purpose of this coding session is to give developers a chance to work together in person on the coding of uPortal, portlets and other JA-SIG projects.

Host and Location

The developers meeting will be held at Wellstone Elementary School which is one block east of the conference hotel. A meeting room with free wireless internet access, white-board and projector will be provided for the developers to work in.

Directions to Meeting Location

The meeting will be held at:
65 Kellogg Blvd E, St Paul, MN 55101

Walk one block east from the JA-SIG conference hotel.


Add your agenda items here!

  • uPortal 3.0 developer details discussions
  • uPortal 3.1 feature set planning
  • JA-SIG Portlet Development status and planning
  • uPortal/Fluid integration
  • Possible Google Summer of Code application


It is recommended that you review the following before coming to the uPortal developers meeting:

Local hotels

Use the conference hotel for the developers meeting. A limited number of rooms will be available at the JA-SIG group rate during the developers meeting as well.


Developers will be responsible for their own meals during the meeting days. There are many local restaurants within walking distance of the meeting.


Use the conference travel details for the developers meeting.

Attendance List

Please RSVP to ~edalquist or add yourself to this list:



Staying Until

Jen Bourey

Yale University

Friday, May 2

Eric Dalquist

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Friday, May 2

Andrew Petro


Friday, May 2

tim carroll

University of Illinois

Thursday, May 1

Jim Helwig

University of Wisconsin-Madison



For questions about the meeting or meeting location, contact:
Eric Dalquist

Coding Session Pictures