
Released on: 9/Mar/09

3.1.0-RC2 announcement

Jasig is proud to announce the second Release Candidate of uPortal 3.1.0. I first want to thank all of the people who helped test 3.1.0-RC1 over the last two weeks to get us to this point. This release doesn't include any new features of note but focuses on bug fixing. The uPortal 3.1 release includes many new features contributed back by uPortal 3.0 adopters along with the updates from nearly a year of production use. At this time parties interested in new uPortal deployments are encouraged to strongly consider starting with uPortal 3.1.

This release is indented to be feature complete. The only differences between it and the GA will just be fixing bugs. That said there is always the possibility that a bug fix in a RC could cause incompatibility with the GA release.

Important Upgrading Note
uPortal 3.1.0 has had database changes that are incompatible with the 3.0 and 2.x releases. Upgrading to uPortal 3.1.0 will require using the crn-export scripts in your current install and then the crn-import scripts in your new uPortal 3.1.0 install. Pointing a uPortal 3.1.0 release at an older database will very likely not work and could cause database corruption.

Downloads are available from: http://www.jasig.org/uportal/download/uportal-310RC2
Release notes are available at: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/3.1.0-RC2

uPortal 3 Release Engineer,
-Eric Dalquist

Release Summary

Fixes in 3.1.0-RC1

  • UP-647 - RDBMUserLayoutStore SQL escaping
  • UP-1452 - RDBMDistributedLayoutStore.getFragmentLayoutCopies() and other methods use broken double checked locking idiom
  • UP-1487 - IllegalStateException and memory leak in RDBMDistributedLayoutStore._safeGetUserLayout
  • UP-1520 - Context Reload by web container renders uPortal unusable
  • UP-1811 - IllegalThreadStateException in DLM
  • UP-1831 - DLM Daemon thread isn't restarted when the context is reloaded
  • UP-2165 - NPE when adding a channel without a category defined such as portal/userpreferences/dlm and layout-sitemap
  • UP-2246 - Exported group has multiple cancel attributes, resulting in an exception during export process
  • UP-2263 - Session lost when user-agent does not accept cookies
  • UP-2291 - Fragment management portlets should be marked framework portlets
  • UP-2307 - JPA/Hibernate impl of DLM ConfigurationLoader generates DDL with column names that are reserved words on Oracle
  • UP-2312 - SimpleWebProxyPortlet.cpd contains long parameter names
  • UP-2313 - "ant db" is unable to create tables in MS SQL
  • UP-2317 - When attempting to Choose a Skin using the DLMUserPreferences channel user layouts get corrupted
  • UP-2318 - New copyright comments in some xsl files cause parsing errors
  • UP-2319 - ant db droptables reports build successful even though it failed
  • UP-2321 - CGenericXSLT system scope bug
  • UP-2322 - tables.xml comments refer to UP_SS_STRUCT_PARM which should be UP_SS_STRUCT_PAR
  • UP-2323 - Install fails for MySQL
  • UP-2325 - DLM Evalutator table name too long on Oracle
  • UP-2327 - Tabs and sub-navigation don't work consistently
  • UP-2328 - Having trouble adding content to fragment
  • UP-2330 - Fluid reorderer portal drop warning missing
  • UP-2335 - Fix image paths in administrative tools
  • UP-2336 - portlet_corner_* images are 48KB each
  • UP-2338 - FragmentDefinitionDao does not have a service interface
  • UP-2339 - export_internal.crn references a JPA managed table directly
  • UP-2341 - uPortal Skin preview image is not current
  • UP-2343 - ConfigurationLoader implementation should be configured in layoutContext.xml
  • UP-2345 - Export Group_Membership cancel attribute error
  • UP-2351 - initdb fails for SQL Server as primary keys cannot be null

Enhancements in 3.1.0-RC1

  • UP-2257 - Should fragment-admin set isFrameworkPortlet=true instead of hard-coding portletApplicationId in its .channel file?
  • UP-2284 - Iframe channel and CHAN_PARM_VAL in UP_CHANNEL_PARAM
  • UP-2308 - Pass all parameters through LoginServlet if uP_fname is there [PATCH]
  • UP-2311 - Ensure fluid variable is erased
  • UP-2316 - Apply cache-header setting filter to all resources in the resource server webapp
  • UP-2320 - Move import/export properties from /db/entities to /properties
  • UP-2329 - Move strings from preferences.xsl to messages.xsl
  • UP-2332 - Include ResourceServer directly instead of via overlay
  • UP-2337 - export-memberships should honor excludes list
  • UP-2342 - uPortal should set a favicon in the <head>
  • UP-2346 - Task type all-group_membership should be all-group_memberships for consistency
  • UP-2350 - Reduce direct bean lookups via static locator utilities
  • UP-2310 - Remove the famfamfam icon set from the uPortal source distribution

Bugs known to afflict uPortal 3.1.0-RC2

priority key summary

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.