Developer Meetings in Dallas - 2009.03

Meeting Minutes

Detailed Minutes

Date and Time

March 5-6 (Thursday and Friday), 2009
9 AM to 4 PM each day

Since this developers meeting is following the JA-SIG conference the time will focus on group discussion of development issues and actual development time. The purpose of this session is to give developers a chance to work together in person on uPortal, portlets, CAS, and OpenRegistry.

Host and Location

The developers meeting will be held at the conference hotel. A meeting room with free wireless internet access and white-board will be provided for the developers to work in.


Add your agenda items here!

  • JA-SIG Portlet Development status and planning
  • uPortal/Fluid integration
  • Possible Google Summer of Code application


It is recommended that you review the following before coming to the developers meeting:

Local hotels

Use the conference hotel for the developers meeting. A limited number of rooms will be available at the JA-SIG group rate during the developers meeting as well.




Use the conference travel details for the developers meeting.

Attendance List

Please RSVP to ~edalquist or add yourself to this list:



Staying Until

Eric Dalquist

University of Wisconsin - Madison



For questions about the meeting or meeting location, contact:
Eric Dalquist

Benn Oshrin

Coding Session Pictures