uPortal3 Maven 2 Distributions
uPortal3 Maven 2 Distributions
uPortal 3 Distributions
Maven 2 provides the assembly plugin which can be used to produce downloadable distributions in multiple formats.
We might want to offer three distinct distributions for download:
- A source distribution consisting of
- uPortal 3 source code
- JavaDoc,
- associated README's and licenses.
- A binary distribution consisting of
- uPortal 3 war file
- framework portlet wars
- shared dependencies
- associated README's and licenses
- A quickstart distribution consisting of
- Tomcat
- pre-bundled with uPortal 3
- pre-bundled with framework portlets
- pre-bundeld with shared dependencies
- pre-bundled with an initialized portal db
- Ant targets/command line tools to
- deploy portlets
- start/stop hsql, tomcat
- Tomcat
The goal is to use the assembly plugin to produce these downloadable distributions.
Building the distributions
You need to have r11952 or greater of https://developer.ja-sig.org/svn/up3/branches/maven-refactor in order to try this
From the base directory run:
export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx128m mvn -Passembly,make-assemblies install assembly:assembly
Outputs appear in target/
esm@clue:~/src/maven-refactor$ ls target archive-tmp uPortal3-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.zip uPortal3-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-quickstart-bin.zip uPortal3-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-src.zip esm@clue:~/src/maven-refactor$
Assembly Plugin Bummers
So the Maven Assembly Plugin isn't all sunshine, puppies, and fuzzy bunnies.
- The Maven lifecycle is executed multiple times when you run the assembly command. The resulting distributions are viable but it takes 5 minutes to build on my P4 with -Xmx26m.
- Yes I've tried working around this, but please try if you are so inclined
Running the quickstart
After building the distributions, you should have a target/uPortal3-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-quickstart-bin.zip
- unzip
- Execute
hsqldb/demo/runServer.sh &
as appropriate cd
- Execute
as appropriate - Pause as uPortal starts (check log output as needed)
- Web to