Jasig UK provides a regional forum for institutions implementing, or considering the implementation of portals and other enterprise integration activity across Further and Higher Education. It represents a community of interest within the global Jasig, and as such encourages UK FE and HE institutions to closely follow and participate in JASIG activities. The group was formed at a meeting in Hull in November 2002 sponsored by The University of Hull Digital University Project, the JISC-funded PORTAL project and the JISC, and attended by over 50 representatives of UK Higher and Further Education.
Participants in the Jasig group try to meet every year, and over the last few meetings we've had more 'show and tell' type sessions. Accordingly we're trying to put more of the information gathered at these sessions into the larger Jasig community for anyone who finds it useful.
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2011 Meeting
Joint Jasig-Sakai event in Manchester 10.30 start. One day meeting, free of charge. Lunch / refreshments provided.