DM - 2009-01-09

Join In!

Although this meeting will consist of Rutgers staff, interested parties are welcome to join in via conference call. For more information, please contact Benn Oshrin.



  1. Review of outstanding action items and work completed this week
  2. Assignment/revision of target dates and work for next week
    1. Break out implementation tasks


Action Items


  1. 1/6, All: Review and stabilize Add Role for Person Use Case (OR-10)
  2. 1/8, All: Domain Model design drafted (OR-11)
  3. 1/13, All: API design drafted (OR-12)
  4. 1/14, All: Implementation begins, scheduled to be established at 1/9 meeting (OR-13), (OR-14), (OR-15), (OR-16)
  5. Dmitry: Request development database space
  6. Unassigned: Identify format for database schema
  7. Benn: Convert .dot files to database schema format
  8. Scott: Set up SVN