Link SoR Records


  • User
  • Database
  • OpenRegistry


  • PRE1: User is authenticated and authorized to perform Link.
  • PRE2: Identified PRC person to link and keep generated identifiers (most likely via Search for Person Use Case)
  • PRE3: Identified PRC person to link and drop generated identifiers (most likely via Search for Person Use Case)
  • PRE4: Defined list of calculation rules to be executed.


  1. User provides the following information to the OpenRegistry System:
    1. Required:
      • Person id of person to link whose generated identifiers will be kept (primary person)
      • Person id of person to link whose generated identifiers will NOT be kept (absorbed person)
  2. For each sor_person record associated with the person to be absorbed:
    1. Check if there exists an sor_person record for the primary person with a matching sor source:
      1. if found give error message.  System of Record must correct their own data problems.
      2. if not found, associate sor_person record with the prc_person_id of the receiving person.
    2. For each sor_role record absorbed, find the prc_role record pointed to by the sor_role record and point the prc_role_record to the prc_person record of the primary person.
  3. Delete the from person.

Post Conditions

  • Resulting person is recalculated.
  • Downstream systems are notified of change.
