2010 June Call


Time: June 29th, 2010, 1:30pm Eastern
Conference Bridge: (712)432-1600, access code: 548898#


Rutgers - Dave, Nancy, Omer
SFU - Jeremy, Frances, Ray, Graham, Melissa
Penn State
Benn Oshrin


  1. Update from Rutgers
    • Recent Progress
    • Deployment Plan
  2. Update from SFU
    • Identified focus groups
    • Sprint planning
  3. Update from ACAMP
    • Benn Oshrin will share some insights from ACAMP discussions
  4. Code contribution from USF
    • Explanation of code function
    • Integration points and possible conflicts
  5. Discuss strategy for keeping institution specific content out of Open Source repository
    • Local overlays?
    • Mail list discussions to determine value?
    • Mechanism for challenging commits
  6. Additional Items
  7. Schedule next meeting


  • Rutgers is tied to a December deployment to coincide with PeopleSoft HR deployment
    • Fully implemented registry
      • Feeds from Student and HR
      • Full population, reconciliation
      • PeopleDB will continue to exist
      • Feed PeopleDB from OR
      • batch for student and employee feeds
      • Not likely using rest APIs right away
      • Creating Guests in UI
      • help desks and maybe for some departments will be using UI
      • Dining and Housing will be non-central early adopters
  • SFU has conducted surveys of legacy Registry and Guest Account management systems
    • Will be conducting focus groups in the next few weeks
    • Would like to start a Scrum Sprint to write code at the end of July
    • Plans to focus on guest account creation functionality first
  • Benn Oshrin attended ACAMP in Raleigh
    • USF, Brown and Penn State showed interest in the project
    • Much concern over the future for Sun IdM customers under Oracle regime
    • Suggestion to start an effort to package/showcase/brand open source alternatives
      • OpenLDAP for Directory Services
      • CAS for WebSSO
      • OpenRegistry for Registry
    • Largely a branding and PR exercise, could help raise the profile of OR
    • Jens from UBC and Benn are going to follow up on this discussion
  • USF has some code from their registry branch that they would like to share
    • USF PersonRegistry is in production
    • Accepts feeds from PeopleSoft HR and Banner Student
    • created a rule chain module that chains sql together to pull and push data in and out of the registry
    • also wrote a tool called "baggage claim" which does reconciliation between multiple identity stores before integrating new users into the registry
    • plus an imaging component that pulls images from sources to display things like user photos from ID card office
    • A demo of these technologies will be helpful, Jeremy will contact Eric to make it so
    • USF wants more time to polish the modules and some discussion on the appropriateness for OR will follow
  • Discussion around when something is institution specific resolved to simply ensuring that code is placed where it is deemed most appropriate with the goal of avoiding the need to refactor things back into local overlays
    • If there is any doubt, a quick post to the OpenReg dev maillist is better safe than sorry
  • It was agreed that we would have a standing meeting on the last Tuesday of every month at 1:30pm Eastern

Action Items

  • Set up another call for Rutgers and SFU to get specific about priorities (tentatively set for July 16th)
  • Conduct offline conversation about a strategy for source code management and timelines
  • Set up a demo of USF functionality with Eric Pierce and team