JA-SIG Wiki Refactored

JA-SIG Wiki Refactored

in progress

The appropriate factorization of uPortal wiki spaces is a topic of current and ongoing discussion. This page currently represents just one vision of how this might look and is not yet a statement of decided structure.

Different spaces for different purposes.

The existing uPortal wiki has been a good success, garnered excitement and interest and contributions. It's also kind of a mess and not filling the need for polished, "reads like a manual" documentation. Ideas on refactoring the uPortal portions of the wiki to meet this need.

What uPortal wiki spaces do we need?

  • uPortal manual: Collected guide of official recomendations, oriented towards accomplishing tasks. Polished, literate, readable documentation. Reads like a manual. Aspires to the quality of an O'Reailly book, a Spring guide, a Confluence user guide, etc.

Can we usefully seed uPortal Manual with the contents of the OpenOffice uPortal document?

  • uPortal scratch: Catch-all for tips, integration notes, documentation that could be polished for inclusion in uPortal manual.
  • uPortal development: Requirements, usecases, vision statements. The uPortal project management and development process
  • uPortal collab: Actual technical collaboration on projectlets identified and resources through the uPortal development process