Winter 2007 UnConference Direct Marketing

There are some higher-ed IT folks located sufficiently close to the UnConference (or who have other factors recommending the direct marketing) that it's worth directly pinging them to encourage them to join in the event. This page is for collecting a list of these people that we're looking to especially appraoch, track who is responsible for pinging them, and status of that inquiry.

Person to be approached, institution

Person tasked with doing the approach



Michael Appleby, Yale


Michael is a talented developer who has served as webmaster and is responsible for such neat innovations as the YaleInfo person search channel, which is a delightfully lightweight web proxy (at least last Andrew knew). He might appreciate getting to learn more about portlets (not sure how much he already knows) and to be a little more involved in JA-SIG. (or he might already be swamped with other responsibilities!)

not yet pinged