Configuring Confluence with JASIG CAS Client for Java 3.1

As of JASIG CAS Client for Java 3.1.3, the distribution includes Atlassian Confluence and Jira support. Support is enabled by a custom CAS authenticator that extends the default authenticators.


<extracted archive directory>/confluence


Modify the web.xml

Add the CAS Filters to the end of the filter list.
(info) See Configuring the Jasig CAS Client for Java in the web.xml for parameters

<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Filters -->
<!--- CAS:END -->

Don't Forget To Change the URLs


Before the login filter-mapping add:

<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Filter Mappings -->
<!-- CAS:END -->

Add the Single Sign Out listener to the list of listener list too

<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Single Sign Out Listener -->
<!-- CAS:END -->

Modify the seraph-config.xml


Don't Forget To Change the URLs

CAS Authenticator

Comment out the DefaultAuthenticator and add in the JASIG CAS Confluence Authenticator

<!--<authenticator class="com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceAuthenticator"/>-->

<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Confluence Authenticator -->
<authenticator class="org.jasig.cas.client.integration.atlassian.ConfluenceCasAuthenticator"/>
<!-- CAS:END -->
CAS Logout instead of Confluence logout

(info) Atlassian doesn't support a config option yet (like Jira), please vote up the feature request here:
To rely on the Single Sign Out functionality to sign off of Confluence we need to modify the logout link

  1. Copy $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib/confluence-x.x.x.jar to a temporary directory
    • mkdir /tmp/confluence-jar && cp WEB-INF/lib/confluence-3.0.1.jar /tmp/confluence-jar
  2. Unpack the jar
    • cd /tmp/confluence-jar && jar xvf confluence-3.0.1.jar
  3. Copy xwork.xml to $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes
    • cp xwork.xml $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes/ && cd $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes/
  4. Edit $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes/xwork.xml, find the logout action and comment out the success result and replace it with this one

    <!--            <result name="success" type="velocity">/logout.vm</result> -->
    <!-- CAS:START - CAS Logout Redirect -->
                <result name="success" type="redirect"></result>
    <!-- CAS:END -->





CAS Jar Libs

Copy cas-client-core-3.1.x.jar and cas-client-integration-atlassian-3.1.x.jar to $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib



Characters Encoding

If you encounter issues with characters encoding you may experience a bug from CAS client CASC-122 - Getting issue details... STATUS . It could be fixed by applying the following steps :

  • Download the last version (2.0.2 today) of vt servlet filters here :
  • extract the file on your server, copy jars/vt-servlet-filters-xxx.jar (with xxx = the current version) in $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib
  • modify $CONFLUENCE_INSTALL/WEB-INF/web.xml already CASified  as well :
    • BEFORE all CAS filters, and especially before CasSingleSignOutFilter filter, add :
    • BEFORE all filter-mapping CAS parameters, and especially before "CasSingleSignOutFilter" filter-mapping, add the following :
  • Restart Confluence (or Jira). It should work.