CardDAV Server

Bedework's CardDAV Implementation

Bedework's CardDav server is a standards-compliant CardDav server that stores* and serves out v4.0 vCards.  See Bedework's CardDav server can be configured to use a variety of vCard data stores.   Out of the box, it looks for private address books in an HSQLDB database that is packaged in the Bedework distribution and looks for public address books (one for people and one for locations) from the directory server (ApacheDS) that is packaged with Bedework.  By default the server is available at   

As a standards-compliant server, it should work well with many of the address book clients available on PC's and phones, however because many of them are based on V3.0 vCards, it may not.

*depending on whether the source is r/w or r/o.

Bedework Enterprise Calendar Server, version 3.10