Update the Configuration
Update the distributed configurations
This version of Bedework uses configurations stored in a directory in jboss. These configurations should be edited or modified using the JMX console.
Before starting ensure that you have a working quickstart and it is recommended that you save your entire configuration elsewhere so that it does not get overwritten.
In all cases when using the jmx console, navigate to the appropriate page, modify the field(s), click on the "Apply Changes" button then click on the "Invoke" button for the "saveConfig" operation. That last step saves the change to the configuration file.
All configuration files are under <quickstart>/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/conf/bedework
The files and their corresponding JMX page are described below. Note that only the JMX console shows all available configuration options. Those that are not set do not appear in the xml configuration.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine.core -> service=DbConf
This sets the hibernate configuration for the bedework calendar engine. You probably only need to set the dialect.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> Name=dir-config,Type=dirconfig,service=System
Set the defaultDomain and domains values. For a single domain they will both be the same - your domain
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> Name=user-ldap-group,Type=dirconfig,service=System
Set the defaultDomain and domains values. For a single domain they will both be the same - your domain.
The remaining values provide the configuration needed to link to your enterprise directory. This is mostly required to obtain group information for personal calendaring.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> Type=authCardDav,service=carddavInfo
The location of the authenticated carddav service. The values may be appropriate for your deployment.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=authSystem
This provides settings and limits for authenticated users of the system. Most of them affect personal calendaring. At least in the first instance the provided settings should be fine.
This has no JMX presence and should not be changed.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=dumprestore
This provides settings for the dump/restore service. No changes needed.
JMX: org.bedework.util -> service=BwGenKeys
This provides settings for the key generation service. No changes needed. You should navigate to that jmx page and press the "invoke" button for the "genKeys" operation - this ensures your own copy of the keys for encryption.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=httpConfig
Provides limits on outbound connections. No changes needed.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=indexing
Configuration for the indexing process. This will be described in more detail elsewhere. This may need changes to enable a separate indexer process depending on the size of your data and/or clustering options.
This is also the JMX page you visit to reindex the data should that be required.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=mailer
Provides some configuration for outbound mail. No changes needed.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=synch
Provides some configuration for the bedework end of the synchronization engine connection. If the synch engine runs locally changes are probably not needed.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=system
A number of changes may be needed here - the more important settings:
- tzid - the default timezone for the system. Should be set to your local timezone.
- eventregAdminToken - see event registration.
- systemid - change top refer to your local domain. Only used for identification purposes.
- rootUsers - you may need to change this. Should be a very restricted set of users.
- mailerClass - set to "org.bedework.mail.SimpleMailer" to enable outbound mail
- tzServeruri - only change if running an outboard timezone server
In addition to the settings there is a display of some system collected statistics. Refreshing the page should show an updated view.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> Type=unauthCardDav,service=carddavInfo
The location of the authenticated carddav service. The values may be appropriate for your deployment.
JMX: org.bedework.bwengine -> service=unauthSystem
This provides settings and limits for unauthenticated users of the system. At least in the first instance the provided settings should be fine.
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