Moving towards 4.0

This page will contain information about the plans for 4.0 and how we intend getting there.

Some changes will be made to the 3.10.x releases to align them with the 4.0 release.


A number of packages were still under the old edu.rpi hierarchy, access, rpiutil and webdav. These will be moved to the org.bedework hierarchy. Mostly this will be invisible, however some configuration files refer to the edu.rpi packages and will need to be changed.

Mostly this entails changign the string "edu.rpi" to "org.bedework"

These configuration files are deployed into the jboss config directory.

In bedework/config/bedework they are:



Fixed up references to ical4j and ical4j-vcard to be to teh same versions of the bedework fork. The code in these is pretty much identical.


Bedework Enterprise Calendar Server, version 3.10