Web Contexts Included in uPortal

The current uPortal distribution includes a number of deployed webapps, each with its own web context.

If your selected portal configuration requires you to explicitly map all Tomcat web contexts (e.g. with some mod_jk configurations), you will need to map the following contexts:

Core Modules




The portal itself


Bundled CAS server and uPortal's default authentication strategy. This may be removed if your institution is not using CAS or is using a separate CAS server.


Static, versioned UE resources such as javascript, css, and image libraries. This application offers the portal and portlets a common target to ensure the user's browser can make efficient use of local caching.


Bookmarks Portlet

Provides users with a mechanism to store and organize personal bookmarks in a tree structure. The UI is JavaScript based though it does not make use of AJAX.

For more information: http://www.unicon.net/blog/3/bookmarks_portlet_overview

Example screen shot below:


Jasig Widget Portlets

The Jasig Widget Portlets is a set of numerous small, user-facing utility portlets contained in a single project. These portlets are designed to require little configuration and present information and tools that could be used by generic institutions.

For more information: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/Jasig+Widget+Portlets

Example screen shots below:

Ex. 1 Google Maps widget with traffic data

Ex. 2 Google language translation widget


For more information: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/NewsReaderPortlet

Weather Portlet

The JA-SIG Weather Portlet is a fully functional JSR-168 portlet that provides international weather courtesy of AccuWeather.com. Users have the ability add and delete multiple locations and standards of measurement with ease! This portlet is well coded, tested, and production ready.

For more information: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/Weather+Portlet

Example screen shot below:

Web Proxy Portlet

The Web Proxy Portlet is used to incorporate arbitrary web content as a portlet. It provides mechanisms for connecting to and rendering HTML with options for clipping, maintaining session information, handling cookies. Proxied content is rendered within the portlet window.  Web Proxy Portlet is often used to incorporate web content or applications that are built and run in non-Java environments allowing a site flexibility for integrating with many different technologies.

For more information: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/WebProxy

Test Suites




CAS proxy test and resources for testing CAS proxy capabilities from other portlets.


JSR-168 tests


Additional portlet tests

Removing a bundled webapp

All bundled webapps (other than uPortal itself) are included in the portal's build via an overlay. To remove a bundled web context from the build and from the deployed portal, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the line <module>dependency</module from uportal-portlets-overlay/pom.xml for the item you wish to remove. You may also optionally delete the directory for that module.
  2. Remove the dependency and webModule elements for this item from uportal-ear/pom.xml.
  3. If your build.properties file contains the line "cleanShared=false", then next execution of "ant clean deploy-ear" will remove the webapp from Tomca