This document describes some sample flows for updating/editing a person from the registry and a general explanation of the process.
A System of Record (SoR) may wish to update/edit their record of a person from the Registry. The following is an example request for SoR 123 to update/edit a person known to the SoR as 124:
PUT /api/v1/sor/123/people/124 HTTP/1.1 Host: test-registry.rutgers.edu Content-Type: application/xml Authorization: Basic cmF0czpSQVQxMjM0 <?xml version="1.0"?> <open-registry-person> <dob>1978-03-11</dob> <ssn>195534444</ssn> <gender>M</gender> <names> <name type="FORMAL" prefix="Mr." first="Joseph" middle="John" last="Jackson"/> </names> </open-registry-person>
Sample Response:
HTTP/1.x 204 No Content
Update/Edit does a full replace of the the person data with the data provided in the request.
Please see http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/ORUM/SoR+Person+Resource for a detailed explanation of all possible return codes.