Update the Existing Database
The DB changes can be made prior to upgrading the CAnnouncements code without
affecting the older, pre USC version.
Table: UPC_CU_ANN_MESSAGE New fields to be added: * TITLE varchar(150) * MESSAGE_ABSTRACT longvarchar Table: UPC_CU_ANN_TOPIC New fields to be added: * EDITOR_GROUP varchar(255) * CONTRIBUTOR_GROUP varchar(255) * CHANNEL_INSTANCE varchar(100) * DISTRIBUTION varchar(15) Table: UPC_CU_ANN_PREFERENCES New table with fields to be added: * USER_ID varchar(150) * ANN_PAGE_SIZE integer * ANN_SORT_MODE varchar(10) Primary key: * USER_ID
Deploy the CAnnouncements code (USC Branch)
- Modify the build.properties file to point at your deployed uPortal directory.
- Modify CAnnouncement.properties to better fit your portal needs
- Run 'ant deploy' from the announcement's base directory.
Delete upc_cu_ann_12_17_2002.jar
Location: <tomcat>/webapps/uPortal/WEB-INF/lib
Set 'TITLE' in UPC_CU_ANN_MESSAGE to 'default title'
MESSAGE_ABSTRACT can be left null.
update UPC_CU_ANN_MESSAGE set TITLE = 'default title';
update UPC_CU_ANN_TOPIC set DISTRIBUTION = 'open';
- Check the tables UPC_CU_ANN_MESSAGE and UPC_CU_ANN_TOPIC and look for the
highest value MESSAGE_ID and TOPIC_ID respectively. - Update UP_SEQUENCE with the highest ID values.
update UP_SEQUENCE set edu.columbia.ais.portal.channels.announcements.CAnnouncements.Announcement = 61; update UP_SEQUENCE set edu.columbia.ais.portal.channels.announcements.CAnnouncements.Topic = 31;
- The USC Branch hard codes the Announcement Administrator Group as GROUP_ID = 300,
so we arbitrarily set the UP_GROUP sequence to 300 so the next group created will be 301.update UP_SEQUENCE set SEQUENCE_VALUE = 300 where SEQUENCE_NAME = 'UP_GROUP';
Add Groups for Existing Topics
Announcement Roles
The USC branch of CAnnouncements creates three roles for each topic to manage
Subscriber, Editor and Contributor permissions. The previous CAnnouncements only
created a Subscriber role. Therefore, for each existing topic a new group for
editor and contributor needs to be created in UP_GROUP and updated in the
corresponding topic in UPC_CU_ANN_TOPIC.
The first value in UP_GROUP is the GROUP_ID which must be unique. Based on the
values in the database, we selected a semi-arbitrary value that was not being
used previously. Also, since we changed the group sequence number to 300,
anything available below 300 was fair game.
insert into UP_GROUP values (146, 'edu.columbia.ais.portal.channels.announcements.CAnnouncements', 2,'Topic 1 editors','Announcements Channel Editors for Topic 1');
insert into UP_GROUP values (163, 'edu.columbia.ais.portal.channels.announcements.CAnnouncements', 2,'Topic 1 contributors','Announcements Channel Contributors for Topic 1');
Update groups in UP_CU_ANN_TOPIC.
Match the Editor and Contributor groups numbers defined in UP_GROUP.
update UPC_CU_ANN_TOPIC set EDITOR_GROUP = 'local.146', CONTRIBUTOR_GROUP = 'local.163' where TITLE = 'Topic 1';
Update the Look and Feel
Location: <announcements>/source/edu/columbia/portal/channels/announcements/Announcement_html.xsl
Update User Permissions
- Roles
- Editor = Admin for a specific topic
- Contributor = Only allowed to add announcements for a topic
- Subscriber = Only allowed to view announcements for a topic
- Add Announcement Posters to the Contributor group for each topic