[09:04:42 CST(-0600)] <copernicus> hey, can anyone help me with this error i'm getting?
[09:04:46 CST(-0600)] <copernicus> Cannot convert value of type [org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LdapContextSource] to required type [org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.util.AuthenticatedLdapContextSource] for property 'contextSource': no matching editors or conversion strategy found
[09:04:49 CST(-0600)] <copernicus> i'm on CAS
[09:18:53 CST(-0600)] <copernicus> does it have to do with the version of spring-ldap that i have?
[09:26:26 CST(-0600)] <copernicus> ok, looks like it is a combination of having cas-server-support-ldap-3.3.1.jar and cas-server-support-ldap- in my lib
[09:26:55 CST(-0600)] <copernicus> and spring-ldap-1.2.1.jar instead of spring-ldap-1.3.0.jar