[08:07:22 CDT(-0500)] <b-cause> hello uPortal devs: does anyone here know the wiki url for the page that explains the url naming conventions?
[10:15:45 CDT(-0500)] <b-cause> hello uPortal Devs. Do you know if the guest uesr can land on the unauthenticated public page of up4 without going through /Login?
[10:38:03 CDT(-0500)] <athena> no, they automatically go through /Login first
[10:38:13 CDT(-0500)] <athena> so the user won't notice it, but that's where their session is established
[10:43:01 CDT(-0500)] <b-cause> ok thanks athena. that is what I suspected that either you or EricDalquist said here before. we are just getting some info in our logs where it looks like that is not happening for the guest user
[10:47:03 CDT(-0500)] <athena> is it specific paths?
[10:47:08 CDT(-0500)] <athena> and what version of uportal?
[10:57:37 CDT(-0500)] <b-cause> it is a specific page we added to uPortal 4.0.5 for debugging and it is at the /host context path.
[10:58:23 CDT(-0500)] <b-cause> it just shows system properties and database connections and such. we use it for testing / verifing that all of our clustered nodes are up and pointing to the right db locations