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[03:20:56 EDT(-0400)] * H4ck3rx (n=phpirx@ has left ##uportal
[05:27:33 EDT(-0400)] * mad (n=chatzill@pcit-8752.HIG.SE) has joined ##uportal
[09:54:07 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist ( has joined ##uportal
[10:01:09 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist ( has joined ##uportal
[10:51:47 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has joined ##uportal
[10:51:55 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=team@ has joined ##uportal
[11:20:05 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 ( has joined ##uportal
[11:27:59 EDT(-0400)] * holdorph ( has joined ##uportal
[12:37:49 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark ( has joined ##uportal
[12:55:56 EDT(-0400)] * jessm ( has joined ##uportal
[13:44:26 EDT(-0400)] * holdorph ( has joined ##uportal
[13:50:06 EDT(-0400)] * awills ( has joined ##uportal
[14:08:09 EDT(-0400)] * MarkRogers ( has joined ##uportal
[14:37:38 EDT(-0400)] <awills> hey folks – was there a website that conveniently archives what resources are available in which repos?
[14:37:43 EDT(-0400)] <awills> for maven
[14:39:19 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> I had a version of Eric's nexus config, pulled from JA-SIG confluence, at one point. I might be able to dig it up, if JA-SIG confluence is down.
[14:40:01 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> awills: not that I know of, something not in central that you need?
[14:40:22 EDT(-0400)] <awills> looking for a zimbra jar
[14:40:35 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ah
[14:40:53 EDT(-0400)] <awills> "Zimbra web services API" iirc
[14:41:31 EDT(-0400)] <awills> zimbrastore.jar is the name of the one i have
[14:41:56 EDT(-0400)] <awills> packages are com.zimbra.cs.*
[14:42:08 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'd be supprised if zimbra stuff is in any repository
[14:42:39 EDT(-0400)] <MarkRogers>
[14:42:43 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> generally if it isn't in central and the jar provider doesn't host their own repo you're stuck making people deploy the jar into their local m2 repo
[14:43:38 EDT(-0400)] <awills> if that's the case, is it normal/acceptable to bundle a jar w/ an open source project (assuming IP is clear) and provide instructions for installing in local repo?
[14:45:12 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> considering (drilling into the link you provided) that zimbra appears to be ant build based, I'd be surprised if they're packaging it up as a maven artifact yet
[14:45:53 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> awills: yes
[14:46:35 EDT(-0400)] * lennard1 ( has joined ##uportal
[15:04:32 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@ has joined ##uportal

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