1. Check out the Simple Content Portlet from Jasig Subversion:
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$ svn co https://source.jasig.org/portlets/SimpleContentPortlet/trunk SimpleContentPortlet
2. Build the portlet using maven.
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$ cd SimpleContentPortlet
$ mvn clean install
In uPortal, this step involves calling the portal's deployPortletApp ant task from the command line. From uPortal's top-level directory:
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$ ant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=/path/to/SimpleContentPortlet/target/SimpleContentPortlet.war
AntiSamy may be disabled via a simple portlet preference called "cleanContent". To disable content scanning, simply set "cleanContent" to "false". A sample alternate "Advanced CMS" configuration with content scanning disabled is included at the bottom of the distributed portlet.xml file.
CKEDITOR configuration
In addition to AntiSamy, the editor used (CKEDITOR) does its own filtering and transformation. To disable CKEDITOR' content filtering and rely only on AntiSamy, modify WEB-INF/jsp/configureContent.jsp to have
allowedContent: true;
Registering as a uPortal Portlet Publishing Type
Next, import the portlet's .channel file into your portal. From the uPortal base directory:
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ant crn-import -Ddir=/path/to/SimpleContentPortlet/docs/import -Dpattern=cms.channel-type