Step-By-Step Installation Guide
If you're feeling adventurous, download the bleeding-edge source from trunk:
Code Block git svn exportclone https://www.ja-sig.org/svn/sandbox/AnnouncementsPortlet/trunkgithub.com/jasig/AnnouncementsPortlet announcements-portlet
If you aren't feeling adventurous, use the most stable tagged release, currently 1.1-M1:
Code Block git clone announcements-portlet git checkout 1.1-M1
Make sure you have Maven2 installed and that you can run the following command from your command line:
Code Block mvn -version
- If you're using uPortal 3 or higher, or if you know that your portal uses jQuery, skip to step 5, otherwise, you need to set Make sure the
property in src/main/resources/configuration.properties is set to the correct value:true
for uPortal 3. This enables the Ajax features of the Topic Management screen1 or later or any portal that does not provide jQuery in the global JavaScript namespace;false
for uPortal 3.0.x or any portal that provides jQuery in the global JavaScript namespace. The default istrue
. This setting allows Ajax features in the portlet to function properly. - If you are only testing the portlet, skip to the next step. Otherwisethis step; otherwise, edit the datasource.properties file to reflect your database settings and add your JDBC driver to the pom.xml.
In the announcements-portlet directory, run
Code Block mvn package
- Once the project is built, you'll have a file called Announcements.war in the target directory.
Deploy the portlet by running
Code Block ant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=/path/to/Announcements.war
...in the uPortal source directory on your target server.
- Add the two portlets to your portal:
- uPortal 2.5.x and 2.6.x format:
- Announcements.AnnouncementsDisplay
- Announcements.AnnouncementsAdmin
- uPortal 3 format:
- Portlet Web Application Path: /Announcements
Portlet Name: AnnouncementsDisplay - Portlet Web Application Path: /Announcements
Portlet Name: AnnouncementsAdmin
- Portlet Web Application Path: /Announcements
- uPortal 2.5.x and 2.6.x format:
- Restart Tomcat if you get any fussiness from the portlet. If you have issues, ask us on the portlet-dev mailing list.
Optional Build Settings
You may want to take advantage of the following options, depending on your circumstances.
Disabling the JSPC Maven Plugin
The JSPC Maven Plugin provides support to precompile your JSPs and have them included into your WAR file. But while performing some customization of the Announcements Portlet, we have learned that the use of the JSPC plugin makes it difficult to alter JSPs via a maven overlay, so we provide the option to disable it.
Use the disableJspc
maven profile to build the Announcements Portlet without the JSPC Maven Plugin
Code Block |
mvn clean package -P disableJspc
Use this option when you build the Announcements Portlet itself, then JSPs in your overlay project will properly override those in the original announcements WAR archive.