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- Bedework-ing: Calendaring Industry News
"CalWS-Rest Restful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring" has been published as a CalConnect Proposal. This specification provides a RESTful web services protocol for calendaring operations, and was developed in conjunction with the OASIS WS-Calendar technical committee. The proposal has been submitted to OASIS for inclusion in the WS-Calendar specification. Mike Douglass served as editor for the CalConnect document, which is available at
Mike also is a member of the OASIS Web Services Calendar (The OASIS WS-Calendar ) TC(http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ws-calendar), and serves as co-editor of the OASIS "WS-Calendar" standard, currently under development.TC has been developing a web servicesspecification for calendaring. (This specification builds on CalConnectdocument just mentioned.) Bedework 3.7 will have an implementation ofthis still evolving standard.
WS-Calendar, for which Mike Douglass is co-editor, as well as theaccompanying "Conceptual Overview of WS-Calendar" are now available for public review and comment. The full OASIS announcement, including howto participate in the public review, can be found at: