- Benn: Create a wiki page to track what's where in the RFC process
- Benn: Schedule call with Andrew Petro to follow up on CASifying Outlook Web Access
- Benn: Post ClearPass to cas-dev
- Benn: Schedule next community call to discuss RFC items, steering committee updates
- Scott: Provide analysis on ClearPass
- Scott: Call John Lewis with respect to Unicon/Sacramento State support for ClearPass
- Benn: Draft end of support statement for CAS 3 in wiki for steering committee to review, then present to CAS list/community
- Scott: Provide Jonathan with some stats about CAS for an upcoming presentation
- Scott: Ping jasig-ue list for advice on CAS login page
- Eric: Look at login page draft conversion from table based layout to CSS
- Benn: Draft SC term change