Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 2pm Eastern (-0400)
Conference Bridge: 218-486-7200 #167964
~battagsUnlicensed user
~benno Unlicensed user
~serac@vt.edu Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Unlicensed user
Catherine Winfrey
- Review of old Action Items
- Steering Committee update
- Roadmap update
- Review of RFCs (see RFC Process)
- End of support statement for CAS 3 (don't worry, not any time soon)
- CAS client status updates
- Reviewed old action items
- Discussion of intent of steering committee's Proposed Governance Change
- Should it be decided at the board level instead? Not necessary, it is up to the steering committees to determine their own structure.
- Jasig elections are coming up, and will include all three elected positions to the CAS steering committee. All are encouraged to nominate themselves or someone else!
- Discussion of CASifying Outlook Web Access
- Marketing
- Unicon may have some potential marketing materials
- CASShib (~bkoehmstedt@ucmerced.eduUnlicensed user)
- Discussion of how this project relates to the standard distribution
- Configuration changes would be the hardest part of integration, everything else is straightforward to integrate
- ClearPass (~biondidUnlicensed user, ~awp9 Unlicensed user)
- Sacramento doesn't have development resources to manage this
- How do we deal with this sort of situation in general?
- Can we find other schools interested?
- Unicon cooperative support for CAS, Sacramento is a subscriber
- New .NET Client (~wgthom, ~serac@vt.eduUnlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Catherine Winfrey)
- This client should probably become an official client
- What does it mean to be an endorsed/official client?
- Use Jasig infrastructure to help form a community and ensure sustainability