CAS development has been managed using the Apache Maven product. Maven can be used to create Eclipse project files to complement the SVN checkout. We recommend that the Eclipse IDE is used during this development cycle. If Eclipse can be approved by the CAS Steering Committee, it would provide a common IDE and allow the use of new file templates. This would do an excellent job of maintaining a quality source format and consistency.
Coding Standards
Setters/Getters vs. Constructors
All required properties should be set via Constructor. All optional properties should be set via setters/getters. This makes it easy to distinguish between required and optional properties.
The majority of developers these days have larger, widescreen monitors. To that end, the code should favor longer lines, rather than breaking a line into multiple lines. Thus, method signatures, unless exceptionally long, should appear on one line.
Java coding standards should follow the guidelines set forth by Sun Microsystems. These guidelines are titled Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language and found here. Other clarifications should be noted in addition to those found above.