Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The "student" user when logging in for the first time sees three tabs in this order, "Real Entertainment", "Useful News", and, "Main Student Tab". The first two are from two different default fragments. The third is owned by the "student" user.
  • Users receiving the "Real Entertainment" fragment tab can not delete the, "Number Guessing Game", channel at the top of the left column.
  • Users receiving the "Real Entertainment" fragment tab can not add a channel above the, "Number Guessing Game", channel but can add channels below it.
  • Users receiving the "Real Entertainment" and "Useful News" tabs can move the entertainment tab without restriction since that fragment has the highest precedence of the two default included fragments.
  • Users receiving the "Useful News" tab can't move their own tabs to the left of the news tab since that fragment has locked that tab in place and it has higher precedence than a user's own layout elements.
  • Users receiving the "Real Entertainment" tab can't rename the entertainment tab since the fragment restricts edits of the tabs attributes.
  • Users receiving the "Useful News" tab can change the name of the news tab since that fragment does not lock the tab's name.
  • When the "news-lo" user (password of 'news-lo') who owns the fragment containing the "Useful News" tab selects that tab in their preferences area, un-checks the "Edit Properties" check box, and presses the "Set Actions" button then when users log in who receive the "Useful News" tab but have previously renamed that tab their name change will now be overriden and the name will have returned to "Useful News".
  • Users receiving the "Real Entertainment" tab see column widths for the columns on that tab of 40% for the left column and 60% for the right column.
  • When the "ent-lo" user (passworkd of 'ent-lo') who owns the fragment containing the "Real Entertainment" tab changes the column widths and pressed presses the "Save Widths" button, then users who receive the "Real Entertainment" tab should see the column width changes the next time that they log in provided that they have not overridden them with their own valuevalues.
  • When a new fragments are is added to dlm.xml with a specific, not-yet-logged-on user id, and the web server restarted, and the password configured for that user using md5passwd, then when that user logs in they should have an empty default layout. (ie: no tabs appear.) The following fragment declaration granting access to "Students" can be used as a sample. Remember to run, "ant md5passwd -Dusername=test-lo", to set up a password for this user otherwise they won't be able to log in. Also note that the definition must be in dlm.xml and the web server bounced before they log in. Otherwise they are treated as a regular user and get the default user template layout rather than the default fragment user template layout identified in dlm.xml.
Code Block
<dlm:fragment name='Test' ownerID='test-lo' precedence='80'>
   <dlm:audience evaluatorFactory='org.jasig.portal.layout.dlm.providers.GroupMembershipEvaluatorFactory'>
     <attribute mode='memberOf' name='Students'/>