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Michael Oltz -- Cornell
Jonathan Markow -- JA-SIG
Chris Doyle -- Johns Hopkins
Elliott Metsger Theron Feist -- Johns Hopkins
Dwight Raum (Tuesday only)
Phil Genuzzi -- Johns Hopkins
Theron Feist Elliott Metsger -- Johns Hopkins (Tuesday only)
Phil Genuzzi
Dwight Raum -- Johns Hopkins
Jason Shao -- Rutgers University (Tuesday only)
Colin Clark -- University of Toronto, FLUID Project
Michelle D'Souza -- University of Toronto, FLUID Project
Peter Kharchenko -- Unicon, Inc.
Andrew Petro -- Unicon, Inc.
Eric Dalquist -- University of Wisconsin - Madison
Jen Bourey -- Yale
Susan Bramhall -- Yale


[keep in your mind: Things that uPortal depends on should switch over to using Maven, e.g. GAP.]

Using Maven (2) for uPortal 3


by Eric Dalquist

Eric thinks of Maven as an Ant scripting language. way better than make files.


  • standard structure for the folders
  • don't have to write code as to how to compile, or package
  • Maven does auto dependency calculation
  • Have to check out less stuff from subversion (fewer jars in there)

Elliott: Get Getting to understand the terminology is one of the barriers.

Eric: There's a link from agenda on how to build up3 with maven

You have to put a few dependency jars in by hand because the licenses don't allow them to be distributed from any public Maven repository.
