[12:39:13 CDT(-0500)] <athena> yeah that sounds like a good plan
[15:59:24 CDT(-0500)] <athena> EricDalquist: could you sanity check this for me? i'm sure i'm doing something stupid
[15:59:26 CDT(-0500)] <athena> mvn org.jasig.maven:sass-maven-plugin:watch -DoutputDirectory=/usr/local/tomcat_instances/up3/webapps/uPortal -Dskin=uportal3
[15:59:39 CDT(-0500)] <athena> i'm getting: The parameters 'outputDirectory', 'skin' for goal org.jasig.maven:sass-maven-plugin:1.0.0:watch are missing or invalid
[15:59:39 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> that seems reasonable
[15:59:46 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> oh
[15:59:50 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> hrm
[15:59:52 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> just a sec
[15:59:55 CDT(-0500)] <athena> sure
[16:00:02 CDT(-0500)] <athena> figured i'd missed something obvious
[16:00:17 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> prefix both with watch.
[16:00:21 CDT(-0500)] <athena> oh!
[16:00:22 CDT(-0500)] <EricDalquist> so -Dwatch.skin