Add uMobile Icons and Splash Screens
The uMobile source code ships with iOS icons and splash screens. Currently, these splash screens and icons have not been designed for the new high-retina displays. Future work on the uMobile source code should focus on updating these icons and splash screens for high-retina displays.
- In the Finder, navigate to your project location. For this tutorial, our project is housed under the Documents > umobile-phonegap-ios directory.
- All icons and screens can be found at the following path: umobile-phonegap-ios > src > images > platform > ios
- Update the images within the ios folder to match your organization or institution.
- Copy all the icons from ios directory to umobile-phonegap-ios > uMobile > Resources > icons
- Copy all splash screens from the ios directory to umobile-phonegap-ios > uMobile > Resources > splash
Start the uMobile Server
- The requirements section of this documentation states that you need to download and start the uMobile quickstart (i.e., uMobile 1.1RC1). The uMobile quickstart houses all the content leveraged by the uMobile application for this tutorial. For more information on the uMobile quickstart visit the project's main site.
Once the uMobile server is downloaded and extracted. Navigate to the root folder and execute the following command:
Code Block ant start