Versions Compared


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  1. Navigate to the umobile-ui/config directory.
  2. Open the config.json file in an editor of your choice.
  3. Set the external property to the path of your root project's www file directory. See the below code snippet for an example. The external property tells the build process where we want to push production-ready code. In this instance, we are telling it to place our production-ready code in the www container provided by the PhoneGap code base. Note: It is important to point out that while we have the capability to push production-ready code to an external source, we do not have the ability to clean or remove previously pushed code that lives outside of the umobile-ui directory. This is a limitation of the grunt libraries being leveraged on this project. Future updates to this code base could improve this functionality.

    Code Block
    	"port": 5000,
    	"environment": "web",
    	"auth": "mock",
    	"mode": "dev",
    	"less": {
    		"dest": "./src/css",
    		"src": "./src/less",
    		"prefix": "/css",
    		"debug": true
    	"external": "../../www"
Run the Build
  1. In a Terminal window, navigate to the umobile-ui directory.
  2. Execute the below command in the Terminal window.

    Code Block
    grunt prod --environment=ios --auth=local
  3. The above command starts the build process for the uMobile source code. The build process configures the uMobile source code with the necessary dependencies needed to run in a given environment. Currently, the uMobile project supports AndroidiOS and Web platforms. Once the build completes a www directory will be added to the umobile-ui directory. The www directory houses the production-ready code base to be used with the PhoneGap wrapper. Please see the documentation on the uMobile HTML5 build for more information on configuring the build script.

  4. Once built, execute the below command to push the built code to the PhoneGap www directory.

    Code Block
  5. Your project directory should like similar to below graphic:
