
The PhoneGap website has an excellent iOS start up guide. It is recommended but not mandatory that you walk through their startup guide before continuing to familiarize yourself with the overall process.

Creating the Project

Extract PhoneGap

  1. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded PhoneGap 2.50. Find the phonegap-2.5.0.zip file and extract its contents.
  2. Expand this folder and navigate to phonegap-2.5.0 > lib > ios directory.
  3. The ios directory is where we will be working to create a new project.

Open Terminal

  1. Open a new Terminal window.
  2. In the Terminal window, navigate to the ios > bin directory from the extracted PhoneGap code base.

Create a Project from the Terminal

There are 3 ordered, required parameters for creating a project from the command line. For more detailed information on these parameters visit the PhoneGap iOS start up guide.

  1. Project LocationThis is the directory where the Xcode project and files for the application will be located.
  2. Package Name: This is the reverse domain name App ID that is created via the Apple Provisioning Portal. Note: The package name is specific to your institution.
  3. Project NameThis is the name of the actual project.

To create a project

  1. In the Terminal window with ios > bin as your current directory, enter the 3 required parameters with the create command.

    Code Block
    ./create ~/Documents/umobile-phonegap-ios org.jasig.umobile.phonegap.ios uMobile
  2. A complete and ready to launch project will be created under the directory specified.




Creating the Project

A completed example of an XCode project configured to run the uMobile PhoneGap implementation is available on github.
