
Released on: 24/Nov/09

2.6-export.1 announcement

The 2.6-export.1 release of uPortal is targeted at sites currently running uPortal 2.6.X and planning on upgrading to uPortal 3.0 or later. This release of uPortal 2.6 includes data export scripts back-ported from the uPortal 3.0 code base which include a large number of fixes that were not easily included into the 2.6 scripts. This release cannot be used to run a uPortal instance, only to export data from a uPortal 2.6 database for upgrading to uPortal 3.0 or later.

Instructions for using this release can be found in the release notes on the wiki: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/2.6-export.1

The release can be downloaded from: http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads/uportal/uPortal_2.6-export.1.tar.gz

-Eric Dalquist

Release Summary

Provides the uPortal 2.6 code base configured for exporting data into a format that can be imported by uPortal 3. This release cannot be used to run a uPortal instance.

The most significant change in these releases compared to the 2.6-export.0 versions is the inclusion of the uPortal 3.2 layout export format. This new format supports ALL of the DLM features and all layout structures.

Unsupported Data

The following data cannot be automatically exported for use in uPortal 3:

  • Aggregated Layout Manager (ALM) fragments


  1. Download and extract the release
  2. Configure the uPortal-2.6-export.1 project as your current uPortal 2.6.x project is configured. This generally includes the following files:
    1. properties/rdbm.properties
    2. properties/ldap.properties or properties/ldap.xml if LDAP is used
    3. properties/dlm.xml
    4. properties/groups/*
    5. properties/personDirectory.xml or properties/PersonDirs.xml
    6. properties/portal.properties
  3. Run the command ant -f import-export.xml export -Ddir=exportDataDir -Dtype=all

The export task will compile the uPortal code, connect to the portal database configured in rdbm.properties and export all portal data. The exported data will be in such a format that uPortal 3.0 is the minimum compatible version to import the data into.