Releasing the CAS Server is a relatively straightforward process. Here are the current steps:
- Ensure there are no open issues in JIRA
- If its a relatively major release (i.e. 3.X), make sure that at least one RC has been released. Minor releases (i.e. 3.3.X) don't generally require an RC.
- Ensure that it builds
- Update the pom.xml files to move from -SNAPSHOT to the actual release version.
- Tag the release in SVN following the standard conventions
- Build for Maven2 Deployment with the following (this assumes that you have permission to post to the Jasig Repository):
- mvn clean package install source:jar javadoc:jar deploy:deploy
- Build for Jasig Download Deployment
- mvn clean package install source:jar javadoc:jar assembly:assembly
- SFTP files to Jasig Server
- Add a release to the download portion of the web site
- Post announcement on web site
- Send announcement to cas-announce, cas-dev, cas-user
- Make sure Jasig Newsletter Editor knows about release