- Hibernate
- cache raw compenent types, no objects
- 1st level cache (tied to db connection, goes away when db connection
goes away) - 2nd level cache (avoid going back to db, pluggable, ehcache most
common, terracotta another option)- needs to be across cluster for writing data
- ehcache
- option for clusterwide Hibernate 2nd cache
- uPortal boxes all have to talk to eachother, get 5-10 becomes problem, exponentially chatty
- Terracotta (open source)
- option for clusterwide Hibernate 2nd cache
- could use it directly as well
- advantages in clustering, shardingÂ
- separate service, not run on uPortal boxes
- less "chatty", all uPortal boxes talk to same terracotta box, this
allows "sharding" (see below) - keeps data as Hibernate 2nd level objects (however those are done), like a shared memory for all uPortal boxes, "network attached memory" (like NAS for memory)
- mark a particular part of application object as "distributed"
- could be called an object oriented db, persists all of its cache to disk
- data persists until orphaned, then its garbage collection
- use to cluster Tomcat http sessions
- does it better that Tomcat own session clustering for same
"chattiness" issue - still doesn't get around serializable requirement, but has config option in case you can't serialize in Java code
- does it better that Tomcat own session clustering for same
- Big Savings: "sharding", only possible with terracotta's less-chatty architecture, terracotta will only push one box's cache to other boxes when other boxes look for it
- ? should people worry about clustering with uPortal?
- Cris doesn't see big value to clustering http options, e.g. Madison only gets 1.7 requests per login, little chance for failover there
- important for Sakai, e.g. things go boom in the middle of an exam
- UofC will be in between
- uPortal, 2nd level Hibernate cache for layout
- trend in uPortal has been that session cache is becoming more serializable
- option for clusterwide Hibernate 2nd cache
- Stuff going on
- Sakai
- Cris used in Sakai instance for John Wiley&Son, will be part of
Sakai 2.7 (code freeze Nov. 20 to meet late Winter/early Spring release) - capabilities will be in Sakai, up to implementers to turn it on
- with it on you should be able to fail over without having to log back in
- for app specific things, e.g. an exam, you can terracotta-enable tool by tool, some tools don't have much state and don't need it
- Cris used in Sakai instance for John Wiley&Son, will be part of
- Hibernate 2nd level thing is huge
- uPortal session is possibility, Eric has been thinking about it
- Cris interested in finding uPortal instance where big gains can be made with terracotta
- sidenote: there is a way to plug terracotta behind an ehcache
- terracotta can be used without Hibernate, use configs to cache without app even knowing (good and bad)
- "super static" - local static class attr, cluster in terracotta config, now static across cluster, not just local JVM
- Webinar on changes made to Sakai October 29th 10:30 am pacific
- possible alternative to db, does data really need to be in a db? e.g. Sakai "presence" data
- questions? Talk to Cris, also the Terracotta guys are very accessible
- Sakai